

I deserved to be loved. 我值得被爱

Just let it go. 就这样吧,随便吧

Meteor shower 流星雨

What’s going on, man? 老兄,怎么了

A major fest on our hand 我们手上有很重要的事情要做

Yeah, tell me about it. 是啊,可不是嘛

Look, there’s no easy way to say this. 听着,这很难说出口。

Massive internal burns 身体内部大范围损伤

Be severely deprived 严重稀缺

Continue on this trajectory (轨道)继续这样下去

Technically, yes. 可以这么说

Bounce-back 恢复原状

I’m afraid that’s in God’s hands now. 恐怕要听天由命了

That’s not good enough. 还不够好

Hurt pretty bad. 伤的很重

Screw it. 管他的

See eye to eye  意见一致

Needy 贫穷的

Jimmied ourselves out of worse(Jimmy 撬开)逃过这一劫

Hang on 坚持住

Get some justice 复仇

Seek a vangenance on sb.

Seek revenge on sb

I’m working on it. 我正在想办法

Have got a good point 很有道理

Dehydration 脱水

Suck as it may, sometimes it’s just the way things go. 倒装句,虽然很衰,但是有时候事情就这样。

I can’t hear myself thinking. 我都无法集中精神了

Mean well 好意

Wrath or compassion 愤怒或同情

Disarm 放下武器

The grand canyon 大峡谷

Believe it or not 无论你信不信

Entangling with sb 缠斗

Have nothing to swing at 漫无目的

Punch at shadows 虚空出拳 漫无目的

Let go of 放手

Leave a legacy 传承

In the first place 首先

Look out for yourself 照顾自己

It’s complicated 说来话长

I’ll manage. 我尽量

Be more than just friend. 不仅仅是朋友

Give a damn 在乎

Strip off 剥掉

Bite me 有种试试看

Out of options 没得选

Open him up 把他开膛破肚

Get off on this 逃过这一劫

Well played 干得好

Mutual benefit 双赢

It’s the best of a bad situation 最佳选择

Do you know how ridiculous you sound? 你知道你说的多可笑吗?

Until their last breath/until they die 直到他们最后一口气

Strike down 打败

Pull through 挺过来




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