全球庆新年-雅思口语场景模拟-Describe a popular public event you attended

墨尔本文波雅思祝大家新年快乐,万事OK!小伙伴们都是怎样庆祝新年的呢?是不是有不少同学都去看了一场不一样的烟火?今天我们模拟雅思口语考试Part 2和Part 3中常见的描述事件场景,利用刚刚过去的各类迎新年活动做一次口语练习,丰富大家的口语素材。快来看看都有什么好词好句可以用吧!


Part 2 Cue Card答题卡模拟:

Describe a popular public event that you went to (such as a carnival or a festival celebration).

You should say:

               what the event was

               when and where it happened

               who participated in this event

               and explain why this event was so enjoyable.
引出话题介绍迎新年活动,别忘了三大要素时间地点人物(挺像小学一年级语文课写记叙文- -!), 标示出的重点词汇也请大家注意学习。


One of the most unforgettable events that I have attended was when my friends and I went to the CBD of Melbourne/Sydney to celebrate the new year’s eve of 2016.

It was the biggest and most spectacular fireworks display I have ever seen in my life. Actually, I was just as excited as those kids in Shire who firstly saw the magic fireworks of Gundalf, you know, like in the movie. It was really a magnificent view.


We arrived the bank of Yarra River/shore of Sydney harbour a few hours before the midnight. The place was known as one of the best viewing points in the city to watch the fireworks clearly in the sky. The reason why you need to find a good spot for this beforehand is that the fireworks would get shot up in all directions from the top of different skyscrapers around the city, and also, there was such a big crowd that you could hardly move to anywhere else when the show started.

这一段是展现你语言功力的时候了,在细节上尽量描述得详细一点, 让考官有身临其境的感觉!

After the big count down, at the exact moment when the clock hits 12, everything got fired up simultaneously and the sky was lit up instantly, making it even brighter than the daylight.  People were either hugging each other or getting their new year’s eve kiss from their loved ones, which just reminded me that what a beautiful and lovable world we are living in together. The fireworks continued for quite a few minutes, and I was truly amazed by the splendid view looking up into the sky, and didn’t even yield my head for once. Everyone was cheering and screaming, with their phones and cameras in their hands, marking down this magical moment in the first Twitter or Facebook update in 2016. Such kind of new year celebrations is definitely an enjoyable experience for me, and for everybody actually.

最后一段描述感受起到锦上添花的作用,一定要尽力说得天花乱坠感人肺腑让考官恨不得不听part3就直接写下高分让你过了~(注意在英文里谈到social network不要说发朋友圈,不然考官会听不懂的!)


Part 3 问题模拟

What are some examples of public events/festivals in different countries that make people feel happy?



Countries around the world are marking the New Year, with festivities currently under way in Europe.

Germany, France and Italy are among the latest to usher in (领进)2016, along with parts of the Middle East and Africa.


Earlier in Japan, people released balloons by Tokyo Tower, while South Koreans celebrated with traditional bell-ringing.



Revellers(狂欢者) in Australia and New Zealand were some of the first to welcome the New Year.


Crowds counted down at Auckland’s Sky Tower in New Zealand, with a laser show and fireworks display. Fireworks also lit up Sydney harbour in Australia.




In Berlin, fireworks were held at the Brandenburg Gate, with one million people estimated to be attending the countdown.


In one of the more innovative celebrations, four divers equipped with musical instruments and breathing apparatus performed an underwater “concert” in a fish tank in Yantai, east China.

终于轮到咱们了!世界上最创新的庆祝新年方式居然在天朝!烟台的水下音乐表演!Rock it!


Festivities went ahead in Dubai despite a fire at the city’s Address Hotel. A fireworks display was held near the Burj Khalifa skyscraper.

迪拜最高楼烟火表演,同时市区最高酒店发生了火灾- -!


Egypt celebrated with fireworks staged in front of the pyramids near Cairo, as the government works to revive its tourist industry.

埃及金字塔烟火,酷炫啊!可旅游业整改是什么情况- -!


Russia – the first major European city to welcome 2016 – held a fireworks display over Red Square in Moscow.



Despite security fears across the continent, many major public events are going ahead, though with heightened(加强的) security restrictions.


Only 25,000 people in Madrid were allowed into the Puerta del Sol square. More than 100,000 people are expected to watch the Mayor of London’s fireworks show, a ticketed event.


People take part in a traditional New Year’s Eve swim in Moosseedorf, Switzerland.



Over in Sierra Leone, the declared end of Ebola will mark a return to festivities, after Freetown, the capital, was left deserted a year ago due to the disease’s outbreak.


As 2016 finally reaches the Americas, up to a million people are expected to converge on Times Square in New York, amid tight security, to watch the famous ball descend.



On Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana Beach, crowds will not only mark the New Year – they will also fete the 100th anniversary of Samba music, and the upcoming summer Olympics.



Why do people feel happy when they celebrate public events with family members or friends?

I think feel most happy when they are with close friends and family members because they are with people that they trust and feel comfortable being entirely open with. They usually love you unconditionally and are less judging, and they would make you feel being surrounded by a positive and supportive atmosphere. Actually, the happiest people I know in my life all have a big loving family. Also, family traditions and activities can create a special closeness between people which would generally make them feel more connected and happier.



Do you think spending public funds on these events is a waste of money?

No, it’s definitely not a waste! On the opposite, this is exactly where the tax payers’ money should go to! It is to create things with specific spiritual values shared by the public, and to make everyone in the community feel not only happier but also more alive and united. In my opinion, human beings cannot live on in harmony without sharing the joyfulness of public events.














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