PTE阅读多选题Multiple Choice – Select Multiple Answers实战演练真题讲解




Practice 1

The Turks and Caicos Islands are a multi-island archipelago at the southern tip of the Bahamas chain, approximately 550 miles south-east of Florida. The islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom although they exercise a high degree of local political autonomy. The economy of the islands rests mainly on tourism, with some contribution from offshore banking and fishing. Primary schooling is divided into eight grades, with most pupils entering at the age of four years and leaving at twelve. After two kindergarten years, Grades 1-6 are covered by a graded curriculum in maths, language and science that increases in difficulty as pupils get older. There is little repetition and pupils are expected to progress through primary school in their age cohorts. At the end of primary schooling, pupils sit an examination that serves to stream them in the secondary setting. Primary and secondary school enrolment is virtually universal. There are a total of ten government primary schools on the islands. Of these, seven are large enough to organize pupils into single grade classrooms. Pupils in these schools are generally grouped by age into mixed-ability classes. The remaining three schools, because of their small pupil numbers, operate with multigrade groupings. They serve communities with small populations whose children cannot travel to a neighbouring larger primary school. Pupils in these classes span up to three grade and age groups. As far as classroom organization is concerned, the multigrade and monograde classrooms are similar in terms of the number of pupils and the general seating arrangements, with pupils in rows facing the blackboard. There is no evidence that the multigrade teachers operate in a particularly resource-poor environment in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This is in contract to studies conducted in other developing country contexts.

According to the text, which of the following statements can be concluded about primary classes in the Turks and Caicos Islands?

  1. Most primary pupils are in mixed-ability classes.
  2. Most primary pupils are in multigrade classes.
  3. Parents can choose to send their child to a multigrade school.
  4. Multigrade classes are for the youngest three grades.
  5. Multigrade classes are mostly found in smaller schools.




  1. 迅速看题目缩小范围:primary classes
  2. 看选项发现关键的定位词:multigrade classes
  3. 快速浏览文章后发现第一段完全没用,与题目无关
  4. 扫到关键词,从第二段开始重点看,带着选项边看边找:

Primary schooling is divided into eight grades, with most pupils entering at the age of four years and leaving at twelve. After two kindergarten years, Grades 1-6 are covered by a graded curriculum in maths, language and science that increases in difficulty as pupils get older. There is little repetition and pupils are expected to progress through primary school in their age cohorts. At the end of primary schooling, pupils sit an examination that serves to stream them in the secondary setting. Primary and secondary school enrolment is virtually universal. There are a total of ten government primary schools on the islands. Of these, seven are large enough to organize pupils into single grade classrooms (排除选项2,10个里面7个算most,single grade和multigrade正好相反). Pupils in these schools are generally grouped by age into mixed-ability classes (确定选项1正确). The remaining three schools, because of their small pupil numbers, operate with multigrade groupings (确定选项5正确). They serve communities with small populations whose children cannot travel to a neighbouring larger primary school (排除选项3, 从whose children看出是在说只服务那些交通不便的parents). Pupils in these classes span up to three grade and age groups (排除选项4,没说youngest).

  1. 检查后发现选项已经全部定位和排除,最后一段也不用看了




总结:这题是多选中典型的含有干扰段落的题目,需要考生先从题目和选项中确定范围和目标对象再看原文比对,不要在和题目无关的信息上浪费时间;小编看完全文也不确定multigrade classes的准确概念,但是并不妨碍判断选项,PTE中很多对象词你可能不懂,但是你要看懂限定这个词的范围和观点。



Practice 2

There is a part of Spain’s sun-baked Andalucia that is extraordinary not only because of its unspoiled terrain and authentic Spanish traditions but also because of its caves. These are not dark, damp holes, with dripping water and evil smells. They are residences, ancient Bronze Age dwellings now being refurbished for hundreds of 21st century Spaniards. In Galera, the region’s most important village, it’s estimated that there are at least 1,000 such habitations carved into its hillsides. “We take old caves, renovate them, then sell them on,” says Rob Oakley, office manager of leading developer Galera enterprises. “Our company was set up by someone who discovered the area of Galera when it was just a tourist attraction 15 years ago and saw its potential.” The ancient abodes are transformed from rough caves into relatively luxurious homes, equipped out with amenities like electricity and sewage, phone lines, running hot water, even internet connections.

Which of the following words in the passages have the same meaning at residences?

  1. adobes
  2.  amenities
  3. connections
  4. dwellings
  5. habitations
  6.  hillsides
  7. terrain


  1. 扫完题目,发现是考词汇理解
  2. 细看选项每个词记住样子,方便定位
  3. 全文就一段,直接带着选项开始看:

There is a part of Spain’s sun-baked Andalucia that is extraordinary not only because of its unspoiled terrain (选项7排除,后面并列的都不是人) and authentic Spanish traditions but also because of its caves. These are not dark, damp holes, with dripping water and evil smells. They are residences, ancient Bronze Age dwellings(补充说明前面的residences,选项4正确) now being refurbished for hundreds of 21st century Spaniards. In Galera, the region’s most important village, it’s estimated that there are at least 1,000 such habitations(选项5正确)carved into its hillsides (carve into不可能是人,选项6排除). “We take old caves, renovate them, then sell them on,” says Rob Oakley, office manager of leading developer Galera enterprises. “Our company was set up by someone who discovered the area of Galera when it was just a tourist attraction 15 years ago and saw its potential.” The ancient abodes (选项1正确, 古代居所)are transformed from rough caves into relatively luxurious homes, equipped out with amenities(通过equipped判断不是人,选项2排除) like electricity and sewage, phone lines, running hot water, even internet connections (选项3排除).

  1. 检查后发现所有选项都已定位排除







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