PTE Retell Lecture真实讲座练习-美国政治中心

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What happened to America’s political center?

There is still a center in this country; there is still a center where folks and you can look at the polls 55 percent in favor of common sense gun control, 50.44 on abortion should the next president supporter opposed climate change, 69.23 should we let undocumented immigrants stay who meet certain standards 72 percent… There is a center even on the issues that we are told or the most hot button are we getting any action from this congress on any of these issues? No.

So what do you mean…but if you look at our motion when you say destroying the political center you don’t mean destroying you don’t mean causing those voters not to exist who would help more centrist views you mean…?

What I’m saying that we are electing politicians who will not represent the center because they are not accountable to anybody.

I just want to add one point to why I agreed so much with David’s initial point is that you have to remember that not only our primaries as I said the only election that matters that they are low turnout but then in many states where you have unaffiliated voters they’re not allowed to participate in the primary so you’re really seeing a situation where the most partisan people have the most ability if in fact (in fact) affect the outcome of elections and the rest of people who may be independent voters unaffiliated or just disgusted by how partisan the person is who’s being elected just opt out and that means that those people are not having anybody speak for them. I think that would why you can say that the middle is being destroyed.







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