PTE听力高频考题:Summarize Spoken Text原题音频 – A Novelist

今天跟大家分享一道PTE真题 SST常考题: A Novelist的原题内容。很多同学告诉我们遇到过这道题,墨尔本文波PTE的老师特别找到了这道题的音频,下面大家就来磨磨耳朵吧!(音频后附有墨尔本文波PTE的老师作答答案)


The speaker wrote non-fiction for years, but her initial intention was writing fiction. Although she took a long detour of writing non-fiction, she had no regret as it was the right thing. Due to big influence from another great novelist, she determined to take risks to pursue her dream. Finally, she started writing fiction in the early 90s and completed the first chapter called Secret Life of Bees in 1992.


Even the author, who has been written non-fictions for years, wants to write a fiction, taking a detour for ten to twelve years until a she get an inspiration from a great novelist’s words that people should take some risks to do what they want to do. So finally she started to write her first fiction in 1992,  which is the first chapter of “the secret of bees”.


1. 关键词没有做到最大化,例如:对于detour的态度no regret, big influence, in the early 90s都没有包含。

2. SST可以使用多句话,所以一般建议4句话左右。不要一句话太长,逻辑会很混乱,也容易出现语法错误。

3. SST影响写作分数,需要注意时态。整个故事发展到最后的时间点是1992年,所以整篇一定统一使用过去式来写。

4. 尝试体现一定的逻辑关系,例如:speaker说,绕弯路绕了10-12年,她的态度是不后悔,觉得是对的事情。这个信息点中间有明显的转折关系,可以用although体现出来。

5. SST如果是以第一人称来说的,主语应该是以the speaker,而不是the author。







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