
大家正在关注的巴黎连环恐怖袭击事件,墨尔本文波雅思从BBC NEWS为大家带来最新直播报道,原文回放事件全程。骇人听闻,为逝者默哀。



France has declared a national state of emergency and has closed its borders after at least 120 people were killed in gun and bomb attacks in Paris.



At least 100 people are reported to have died at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris. Gunmen took many hostages there before being overpowered by police.




Others died in a reported suicide blast (自杀式爆炸)near the Stade de France, where France were playing Germany, and gun attacks on city centre restaurants. Eight attackers are reported killed.




Paris residents have been asked to stay indoors and about 1,500 military personnel (军方人员)are being deployed across the city.




Picture: Man with blood on his shirt outside Bataclan music hall

epa05023976 A man with blood on his shirt talks on the phone next to the Bataclan where a shooting and a hostage situation took place earlier tonight in Paris, France, 14 November 2015. Dozens of people have been killed in a series of attacks in Paris on 13 November. EPA/ETIENNE LAURENT


Picture: Troops on the streets of Paris

TOPSHOTS Soldiers walk in front of an ambulance as rescue workers evacuate victims near La Belle Equipe, rue de Charonne, at the site of an attack on Paris on November 14, 2015 after a series of gun attacks occurred across Paris as well as explosions outside the national stadium where France was hosting Germany. More than 100 people were killed in a mass hostage-taking at a Paris concert hall and many more were feared dead in a series of bombings and shootings, as France declared a national state of emergency. AFP PHOTO / PIERRE CONSTANTPIERRE CONSTANT/AFP/Getty Images



Eyewitness: ‘He was firing in all directions’

An eyewitness has told the BBC how he saw one of the gunman from the window of his apartment:



“I went to the window and there was this guy with a kalashnikov (冲锋枪)firing. It was at the corner and he was firing in all directions(疯狂扫射). Then a car came and he entered the car and it went away(袭击者逃离现场). There were three guys who were not killed by this killer. I did not expect such a terrifying situation. I saw… people going to a body on the ground and I called the police. I went down to the street and realised that in a bar there were four or five more bodies. There were cars where the driver and the passenger were dead. The police told everyone to go home. I stayed at home without lights. A few minutes later there was a knock on my door and the police asked if they could use my apartment. (警方借用目击者公寓进行武装狙击)I stayed in the bathroom because it was the safest place and I did not want to distract the police. I think they stayed at the window, they were fully armed(全副武装).”



Simon Cooper, a journalist in Paris, was inside the Stade de France when the explosions went off. He told the BBC: 


“Francois Hollande was at the game at the beginning and he left during the game… because of what was happening in central Paris with the shootings. There was a huge amount of uncertainty here, but strangely the match was played out and the fans cheered the French goals as if nothing was happening.”




From President Hollande

This image taken from the French television pool shows French President, Francois Hollande making an emergency broadcast Friday evening, Nov. 13, 2015. Several dozen people were killed Friday in the deadliest attacks to hit Paris since World War II, French President Francois Hollande said, announcing that he was closing the country's borders and declaring a state of emergency. (French televison pool via AP) FRANCE OUT

President Francois Hollande gave a live address on French TV, speaking of “unprecedented(史无前例的) attacks in progress in Greater Paris”.


“It’s a horror (骇人听闻),” he said. “Two decisions will be taken: a state of emergency will be decreed (颁布)which means certain places will be closed, traffic may be banned and searches may also take place throughout the Paris region (巴黎全市地毯式搜索).


“The second decision I have taken is to close the borders(边境关闭). We must guarantee that no one can come in to commit any act. And at the same time those who may have committed crimes can be arrested if they try to leave the country.”


“I have decided that we should mobilise (动员)all the forces we have to enable the neutralisation (终止,中和的引申义)of the terrorists and to put in place security in all areas that could be concerned.


“I have also asked for military reinforcements(加强武装戒备). They are at this moment in the Greater Paris area to ensure no further attack takes place.”


He spoke of his thoughts (表示关切慰问)for the “very numerous victims, their families, the wounded” and appealed for compassion and solidarity (呼吁怜悯之心和团结一致).


France had to display “sang-froid” (沉着冷静)in responding to “terrorism”, the president said.


“What the terrorists want is to scare us,” he added.



Hollande: ‘Our fight will be merciless’

President Francois Hollande has been speaking outside the Bataclan, where about 100 people are reported to have been killed.


“We wanted to be here among all those who saw these atrocious (凶恶的) things, to say that we are going to fight and our fight will be merciless, because these terrorists that are capable of such atrocities (暴行)need to know that they will be confronted by(面对) a France that is determined, unified and pulled together (坚定团结统一的)and a France that will not let itself be overawed (威慑住)even if today it is expressing an infinite amount of emotion at this drama and this tragedy, which was an abomination (极度邻人憎恶的事物)and a barbaric(野蛮的) act.”


Facebook introduces ‘I’m safe’ function



Facebook is allowing people in Paris to let their friends know they are safe.


Picture: One World Trade lit up with colours of French flag




Schools and universities to close’


Reuters reports that all schools and universities in the Paris region will be closed tomorrow.


AFP: 200 injured, 80 seriously

另有200人受伤, 80人重伤

Rescuers evacuate an injured person on Boulevard des Filles du Calvaire, close to the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris, early on November 14, 2015. A number of people were killed in an "unprecedented" series of bombings and shootings across Paris and at the Stade de France stadium on November 13, and the death toll looked likely to rise as sources said dozens had been killed at the Bataclan popular music venue. AFP PHOTO / MIGUEL MEDINAMIGUEL MEDINA/AFP/Getty Images

A source close to the investigation has told AFP that more than 200 people were wounded in the attacks, 80 seriously.


Belgium increases border security


The Belgian authorities have told AFP news agency that they have boosted checks on their borders, especially with France, following the attacks in Paris.

Reinforced (加固的)border checks have been established on the borders within the framework especially of a close collaboration with (合作)the French authorities,” Belgium’s national centre for threat evaluation, OCAM, said.


‘Streets of Paris empty’


Bataclan band survive attack



The band scheduled to headline at the Bataclan concert hall – the Eagles of Death Metal – survived the attack by four militants that killed about 80 people, the BBC understands.

‘My phone saved me’


French TV station iTele interviews a man who was near the Stade de France when an explosion took place. Sylvestre says he was saved by his phone, which protected his head from shrapnel (手机挡住了爆炸弹片), and by his leather jacket, which reduced the impact of more shrapnel when it hit him on his body.




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