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Think you’re a smartphone addict? You probably are

Where does all the time go? A big chunk of it goes to smartphones, as users check their mobiles an average of 1500 times a week.

New research shows we are using our phones before first light and well into the early hours of the morning. But you probably already knew that.

Research digital marketing agency Tecmark surveyed 2000 Britons and found smartphone users were picking up their phones for daily activities much more than their personal computer or laptop, as we try to cram more than 220 daily tasks into our smartphones.

And smartphone users are powering on – if they ever turn it off – from well before first light. The survey found 11 per cent of users picked up their phone for the first time before 6am. Up to 13 per cent said they stopped using their phones after midnight, with 2 per cent of those people saying their last contact was after 2am.

Sixteen per cent checked the news on their phones as their first task, but 39 per cent made checking their personal emails their first priority.

The average time when Britons stopped looking at their phones was 11.21pm, and they spent an average of three hours and 16 minutes on their phones over a day.

Other findings include:

  • 40 per cent checked their personal emails as their first task of the day.
  • 31 per cent made their first task checking Facebook, only slightly less than those whose first task was turning off their phone alarm (32 per cent).
  • 70 per cent said they used their phone in public to make themselves “look” busy.
  • 62 per cent found themselves looking at their phones without thinking.
  • 74 per cent use their phones for up to four hours a day.
  • 5 per cent said they used their phones between nine and 12 hours a day.
Half of the women surveyed said they used their phone if they woke in the night and were unable to return to sleep, while about 45 per cent of men said the same.
Women checked work emails once a day and men a bit more than twice a day. Personal email checking occurred about four times a day for both sexes.
Men played games more often than women, three times a day, while women played twice a day on average.
Just over half the women surveyed made one to three phone calls a day on their smartphones. But some men love to talk on their mobiles. About 5 per cent of men made between 10 and 12 calls a day on their smartphone.
Women sent an average of six text messages a day, and men sent five.
Fewer than one third said their smartphone made them more productive, but one in five said it did make them productive.
Of the 50 per cent who said their phone was a time saver, most said it made it quicker for them to access information and people.
Smartphone users mostly said they felt lost without their devices, with four out of five saying they didn’t cope well without their phone.手机使用过多的缺点


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