

Easter night of vandalismand break-ins (破坏公物和入室盗窃/抢劫罪,都在前面加上动词commit来搭配使用)‘not a crime spree (spree本意为狂欢,这里尤指节假日短期内的犯罪率飙升)’, Alice Springs police say

A tourist was bashed with a rock, windows smashed and (注意这两处动词搭配,用硬物袭击人动词用bash sb with sth,而砸碎窗户、玻璃、镜子等用smash the window/glass/mirror)homes and businesses were sprayed with graffiti (住宅和商用建筑上都被喷上了涂鸦:这是欧美国家中常见的一种vandalism)on a night Alice Springs police say was quieter than expected.

Taxi companies withdrew several taxis from service due to rock-throwing over the long weekend.

But police said the spike in vandalism, break-ins and assaults (spike原指尖状物,这里的the spike in…形象描述短时期犯罪案件的激增;assaults指猥亵罪,sexual assaults意指性犯罪) was not a crime spree.

“Not from our point of view,” Superintendent Travis Wurst told the ABC.

“There were some unlawful entries, five reported. But they were not linked. They occurred all over Alice Springs, some were businesses and some were residential properties (民用住宅,对前文homes的同义替换).

“It’s a fair stretch to say that’s a crime spree.”

But Chief Minister Adam Giles said the level of crime was not acceptable.

“Obviously we had a terrible piece of crime (crime为不可数名字,所以用a piece of这个量词来表达一个犯罪案件) on the weekend,” he said, referring to the bashed tourist.


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