
烤鸭们都知道雅思写作难,但是雅思写作到底难在哪里呢?技巧就那些技巧,有人掌握了技巧却仍然拿不到7分,问 题就出在你的词汇搭配上,中国学生的中式英语思维太重,表达不地道,考官看了云里雾里,即使你有很好的结构很好的论证,表现不出来也不行。为了解决这个问 题,墨尔本文波雅思为大家整理了原汁原味地道的写作搭配,全部是从剑桥雅系列真题里截取出来的,摒弃中式英语,从现在做起!

organisms  n.有机体

Light is important to organisms for two different reasons.


a cue for… 对于…的一个暗示

Firstly, light is used as a cue for the timing of daily and seasonal rhythms in both plants and animals, and secondly it is used to assist growth in plants.


trigger breeding behavior 引发繁殖/生育行为

A reliable cue is needed to trigger breeding behaviour.


fluctuate greatly from day to day 每天变化都很大

In the temperate zone in spring, temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day.


differ from species to species 各个物种间差异很大

In both cases the critical day length differs from species to species.


build up 累积

Food reserves must be built up to support the energy cost of reproduction, and to provide for young birds both when they are in the nest and after fledging.


flower, fruit and die  开花,结果,死亡

Bamboos are perennial grasses that remain in a vegetative state for many years and then suddenly flower, fruit and die.


be divided into… groups: 分为…几类

shade-tolerant species 喜阴植物

shade-intolerant species不喜阴植物


by which定语从句下定义

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use energy from the sun to convert carbon from soil or water into organic material for growth.


sugarcane: 甘蔗





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