

Shipping Perishables(易腐烂变质的食物) by Air Cargo(空运货物,简洁明了)

(An excerpt)


Today’s consumers want access to virtually anything, anytime of the year, including an array of food items from different countries (来自不同国家,一系列各种各样的食物,注意这里an array of的使用,表示同一类物品中各种各样的), according to the experts in the airline industry.(文章背景设置,词句都可借鉴到写空中运输的文章中)

Carmen Taylor, managing director for American Airlines Cargo (AA Cargo)’s Latin America Division sums it up: “The consumer appetite for all types of foods available year-round (这里也表达)is going to continue.”(注意这里“一整年”year-round的表达,同义替换上文anytime of the year)

According to Nick Finbow, operations director, Hellmann Perishable Logistics, some of the hottest food trends and commodities include exports of Scottish Salmon to the U.S., and exports of U.S. cherries to the UK.

The U.S.-South America trade lane is dominated by South American exports of vegetables, such as asparagus, to the U.S., says Miffy Wiggs (这里用be dominated by表达航空线路被蔬果运输任务所主导), general manager of Delta Cargo. In addition, U.S. imports of tuna from Guam is another popular item, she notes.

However, “The trends are kind of dependent on the seasonality of the actual product itself,” Wiggs adds.

While air carriers (也表示空中运输货物) are moving and increasing volumes of food products around the world, like other transportation providers, they’re in a never-ending battle with rising fuel costs(a never ending battle with…与某一个问题的长期抗争;素材积累:油费的上涨也可作空运食物的弊端之一).

The fuel costs jumped more than 40 percent between 2005 and 2011,”(the cost jumped around/more than/nearly … percent可借鉴到小作文里,数据增长的表达句;jump生动表达数据上窜) says Colin Rogers, senior manager of specialty sales, Southwest Air Cargo. “This is what gets passed on to the shippers, usually in the form of fuel surcharges.”



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