雅思口语 雅思写作 交通类 词汇 素材

【墨尔本文波雅思】【今日推荐】雅思口语 雅思写作 交通类 词汇 素材



Paris smog

Motorists in Paris face an unusual day of restrictions(限行) as the government tries to reduce high levels of pollution(减少污染) in the city. Today only cars with odd-numbered (单数)registration plates are allowed to drive. Tomorrow, if the restrictions remain in place, it’ll be even-numbered cars(双数车牌号的车) that can be driven. Continue reading

雅思写作 雅思口语 交通类 10个9分词汇

【墨尔本文波雅思】雅思写作 雅思口语 交通类 10个9分词汇 


1. Traffic bottleneck交通瓶颈

例句:The traffic bottleneck make the goods transport difficult. 货物的物流运输受制于这个交通瓶颈。

2. Inch along 极为缓慢的行进

例句:The traffic was stalled and we inched along across the bridge. 交通几乎停滞了,我们只能一寸寸的挪着过桥。

3. Be out of bounds to sb. 未经允许不得进入的区域 Continue reading