在批改学生的作文时,经常会感觉大家的作文松散,句与句之间缺少联系,还有的同学文章冗长,无法用简练的语言表达主题及进行论证。问题就出在cohesive device上。
提到cohesive device, 大家会想到各种连接词,and, but,not only,but also,because,therefore,although等等。
但是,cohesive device远远不止这一种,这些只是最基础的,想要雅思写作到7+,仅仅靠这些是远远不够的。下面,墨尔本文波雅思就为大家深入详细介绍,如何高大上的使用cohesive devices
Cohesive device 包括:
首先,使用代词代替前面已经出现过的名词。英语里最忌重复使用同一个词。当一个词出现第二遍的 时候,经常会使用代词来替代它。这与汉语不同,也是中国学生最不习惯的地方。最基础最常见的例子是:如果有人问,这是你的包吗?汉语习惯回答:恩,是我的包;而在英语里,Is this bag yours? Yes, it is. 不会重复再说bag了。
例如:Over the last two decades, population aging has accelerated in the UK. It is a common trend throughout the developed world.
这两句话没有任何问题,也使用了代替来替代population aging. 但是两个简单句,过于普通,不够出彩,如果能使用同位语,就大不一样了。
Over the last two decades, population aging, a common trend throughout the developed world, has accelerated in the UK.
第三:使用this/ these加上一句总结。例如,
The population in urban areas has grown particularly quickly. This trend has put pressure on local services.
第四(大家最擅长的):使用连接词。There are more job opportunities in cities, so people migrate to them from rural areas.
Lower mortality is due to increased longevity. Increased longevity results from improved health care.
→→ Lower mortality is due to increased longevity, which results from improved health care.