雅思口语写作高频词句素材— 科技类产品

最近apple iwatch被各大媒体和果粉推到了对科技产品评论的风口浪尖。不管是迫不及待想买一个新鲜出炉的iwatch的苹果忠诚拥护者,还是冷静资深的高科技产品爱好者都热切关注和iwatch有关的一切资讯。文波雅思这就为你带来业界关于iwatch深度见解的一篇文章,雅思词汇句型积累与信息获得两不误!


Apple Watch reviews very positive, with some caveats (警告、限制性条款,书面写作里用以替换warning)

The Apple Watch is available for pre-order tomorrow but today the first reviews and impressions from select writers and reviewers are hitting the internet and they are fairly uniform.

As a totally new piece of kit, the Apple Watch seems to have made a similar impression on almost everybody who has evaluated it: it can’t replace a phone, (看似简单却十分地道好用的expression,表达:一些传统的方式东西是高科技不能替代的) isn’t as good a watch as a watch, but does a great job of validating the smartwatch as a new form of gadget that’s great at doing things phones and watches simply don’t do.

It’s overpriced (another word for ‘expensive’,但比后者更进一步表达物不及所值的意思), a little affronting to use at first (affront原意是冒犯、侮辱,这里的动词的ing形式作形容词,意为) and not everybody is going to need one, the reviews say, but the device is also being almost universally praised for its fitness-tracking, its usefulness as a proxy for your phone when you’re on the move and its ability to keep you abreast of news messages and other information at a glance (to keep abreast of sth意为跟上某事物,常用于紧跟最新流行趋势keep abreast of the latest fashion这样的表达中),.

“With the Apple Watch, smartwatches finally make sense”, writes Geoffrey A. Fowler at The Wall Street Journal. “I only look at it in blips (很快地瞄一眼、扫一眼), for rarely more than five seconds. It shows me the weather with one finger swipe. It gets physical, gently tapping my wrist when something important needs my attention and lighting up when I lift my arm to look. It nudges when I’ve been sitting too long.”


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