雅思9分地道词汇搭配-American Sniper



get back  快回来

That was a hell of a shot  那个射击真不错

You’re gonna make a hunter one day 有一天你回成为一个猎人

sheepdog 牧羊犬

confront him 当面对质他

rodeo  rounding up of cattle on a ranch, for branding, etc(在牧场中)驱集牛群(为打烙印等).

hick   n (infml derog 口, 贬 esp US)  awkward or foolish country person; bumpkin 乡巴佬; 土包子. [attrib 作定语] provincial; not sophisticated 乡下的; 土头土脑的: a hick town 小乡镇.

quitter  n. 懦夫,退出者

foreplay  U. n. 前戏

grenade n. 手榴弹

scumbag  n.    a nasty, unpleasant person

sniper   n.狙击手

It’s egotistical of you to think that you’re gonna save us. 你想拯救我们,太自大了

The guy whose shoes you puked on  你吐鞋的那个人

what are you up to? 我做什么呢?

rescue the bar from you  把酒吧从你手里拯救出来

rescue girls from the bar 把你从酒吧里拯救出来

I have a nose for picking the wrong man 我有挑错男人的嗅觉

babe 亲爱的

You’re a package deal  你是我最近好运中的一个

We got it all planned out 我们都设计好了

five shots 五杯

graphic novel  含图画的小说

envision   v. 想象

overwatch   暴雪公司的一个第一人称射击游戏

corpsman  救护人员

You want a food fight  你想来食物大战么?

talk dirty 说下下流的东西

give us their whereabouts  告诉我们他的行踪





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