
1.定语从句 Our conception of time depends on the way we measure it.The cosmic significance the Egyptians placed in the 12 decans led them to develop a system in which each interval of darkness was divided into a dozen equal parts.

Temporal hours, which were first adopted by the Greeks and then the Romans, who disseminated them through Europe, remained in use for more than 2,500 years.

One of the first water clocks was a basin with a small hole near the bottom trough which the water dripped out.


With these, however, arose the question of when to begin counting, and so , in the early 14th century, a number of systems evolved.

 In the early 1400s came the invention of the coiled spring or fusee which maintained constant force to the gear wheels of the timekeeper despite the changing tension of its mainspring.

Moreover, not only do time signals beamed down from GPS satellites calibrate the functions of precision navigation equipment, they do so as well for mobile phones, instant stock-trading systems and nationwide power-distribution grids.

 So integral have these time-based technologies become to day-to-day existence that our dependency on them is recognised only when they fail to work.


Italian hours began at sunset, Babylonian hours at sunrise, astronomical hours at midday, and‘great clock’ hours, used for some large public clocks in Germany, at midnight.





Where seasonal agriculture was practised, the solar year became more crucial.


The motion of a pendulum rocks this device so that it catches and then releases each tooth of the escape wheel, in turn allowing it to turn a precise amount.


Hence, the calendars that were developed at the lower latitudes were influenced more by the lunar cycle than by the solar year.

The revolutionary aspect of this new timekeeper was neither the descending weight that provided its motive force nor the gear wheels that transferred the power.


What they are certainly not finding, however, is any change in attitude of mainstream scientists.



Only when many studies are combined in a meta-analysis will the faint signal of telepathy really become apparent.



The implication was that ganzfeld method had revealed real evidence for telepathy.

That is what researchers do seem to be finding.



Sceptics(skeptics) and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however: that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called ‘ganzfeld’ experiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’.

Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine.



Reports of telepathic experiences had by people during meditation led parapsychologists to suspect that telepathy might involve signals passing between people that were so faint that they were usually swamped by normal brain activity.



The idea was that a person acting as a ‘sender’ would attempt to beam the image over to the ‘receiver’ relaxing in the sealed room.



They drew up a list demanding new standards for future research.



If, as current results suggest, telepathy produces hit-rates only marginally above the 25 per cent expected by chance. It’s unlikely to be detected by a typical ganzfeld study involving around 40 people: the group is just not big enough.

The problem stems at least in part from the lack of any plausible mechanism for telepathy.











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