Boost team morale 鼓舞士气
Round them up把他们集中起来
Shove someone into 把某人推进去
Snarky remark 刻薄的评论
Ongoing investigation进行当中的调查
Sloppy草率的; 粗心的 Continue reading
Boost team morale 鼓舞士气
Round them up把他们集中起来
Shove someone into 把某人推进去
Snarky remark 刻薄的评论
Ongoing investigation进行当中的调查
Sloppy草率的; 粗心的 Continue reading →
【墨尔本文波雅思】4月24日和4月26日雅思口语预测2014.04.24 和2014.04.26雅思预测
baddie-bad person boardies- board shorts cabbie- cab driver, taxi driver Chrissie- Chrismas comfy- comfortable cossie- Continue reading →
A类小作文 线图,四条线,关于运输的。
A类大作文:some say the purpose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. othes say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. discuss both views and give ur own opinion.
G类小作文 一封邀请信邀请说英语的朋友看关于你国家的新电影。 Continue reading →
Sports and games are very important for us. They keep us healthy and fit. They offer us a change from the monotony of daily life. It is a useful means of entertainment and physical activity. Sports and games help in character building. They give us energy and strength. Continue reading →
Pompeii under threat
The government of Italy has called for an emergency meeting to discuss how to save the ancient Roman city of Pompeii from further ruin. It comes after new damage this weekend at the site.
The newly appointed Italian culture minister, Dario Franceschini, is already facing a huge challenge: how to save one of the world’s most treasured archaeological sites. Continue reading →
很多同学反映雅思口语和写作很多情况下,用汉语都无话可说,更别说用英语表达了。针对这个问题, Continue reading →
生活在墨尔本,如果你有一位local朋友,平时聊天的时候注意一下,你会发现,local平时说话时,会用许多小词,表达丰富的含义,比如:come across an old friend, pick up a language 等等。Come across 和 pick up 就属于短语动词,代替encounter 和 acquire。使用短语动词显得稍微随意和不正式一些,是local平时说话经常用的表达方式。在雅思口语中用到这些地道小词,会拉近与考官的距离,增加趣味性,更重要的是能显示你的词汇的地道与自然。墨尔本文波雅思为你总结了地道的短语动词, 大家平时也要有意识的积累,下次练习口语时,大胆的运用吧!
1 Wash something down
(用汤水、啤酒等把食物等)送下;酒后饮用无醇饮料;(用开水等把药物)送服: Continue reading →
【墨尔本文波雅思】【今日推荐】雅思口语 雅思写作 交通类 词汇 素材
Paris smog
Motorists in Paris face an unusual day of restrictions(限行) as the government tries to reduce high levels of pollution(减少污染) in the city. Today only cars with odd-numbered (单数)registration plates are allowed to drive. Tomorrow, if the restrictions remain in place, it’ll be even-numbered cars(双数车牌号的车) that can be driven. Continue reading →
【墨尔本文波雅思】雅思写作 雅思口语 交通类 10个9分词汇
1. Traffic bottleneck交通瓶颈
例句:The traffic bottleneck make the goods transport difficult. 货物的物流运输受制于这个交通瓶颈。
2. Inch along 极为缓慢的行进
例句:The traffic was stalled and we inched along across the bridge. 交通几乎停滞了,我们只能一寸寸的挪着过桥。
3. Be out of bounds to sb. 未经允许不得进入的区域 Continue reading →
这篇报道可以作为雅思写作工作满意度的举例论证,也可以作为雅思口语事件类的素材。文章中用了许多地道的小词,需要大家特别记忆。已在文章中用红笔或粗体, Continue reading →