在澳大利亚的工作种类按时间多少分别有 full-time, part-time and casual work.越来越多的人倾向于每周工作少于五天,既能维持稳定的收入,在空闲的时候也可以更好地享受生活。同样的节奏还有,很多人更愿意在自己家里办公,不但节省交通费用和时间,工作环境也更舒适宜人。下面我们就来讨论一篇关于选择在家里办公,还是去传统的商业中心办公室的题目。
Working part time at home or full-time job in the office? Discuss both sides and your own opinion.
It is claimed by many sociologists, today, that working away from traditional offices tends to be far superior in terms of time efficiency and energy saving. However, many people argue that this telecommuting life style has deleteriously affect job efficiency and quality of output. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and give my own point of view.
主体段一,topic sentence 总结句是在家工作的好处有哪些,句式变换是给考官打高分的理由,请注意使用不同句型时需要避免的语法错误。
Admittedly, there are many benefits accrued by working at home, especially for those people living far away from the workplace. Recent evidence shows that general workers spend about two hours daily commuting between home and work. If the time wasted on the way could be saved and spent at home doing work or with one’s family, a more balanced lifestyle with an improved family value would then be achieved. Moreover, contacting workmates or dealing customers at home through state-of-the-art technology, such as Skype, We chat, Whats up and other telecommuting tools, is more energy efficient compared to all workers sitting in an office, having to turn on the lights, computers and other electric equipment. These are the major operating costs for companies and employers to consider. And those could be certainly cut down by sending workers home. Thus, more and more workers now prefer working at home to save time and energy, and also to get a sense of fulfillment from staying with family.
However, other people hold the opposite view that working alone at home brings many side effects to both the company and its employees. Without proper supervision from the boss, it is not uncommon to see many workers laid back and working much less effectively. What is a worse, people are more likely to be isolated from each other, as they barely talk face to face, and not to mention work together as a real team. As a result, by solely working on one’s own, and without plenty of interaction between colleagues, the company is highly likely to suffer in its work productivity and future development in the long run.
In conclusion, encouraging companies and workers to do work at home is entirely appropriate, as this helps to improve family values and energy conservation. However, without working under supervision easily distract workers’ attention and cause isolation among them too. I therefore contend that companies should carefully deal with this problem to improve its quality of work.