
cut their losses 减少损失 Think out细心(或仔细)考虑  raise eyebrows 令人惊叹 ; 吃惊 ; 使人吃惊 ; 让人惊讶  Enlist赢得…的支持  In the dark 一头雾水

Pull a double shift 倒两个班

Snuck up on you 突然出现在你背后

Shut-in sister 自闭的妹妹

Too rustic for your taste 以你的品位来说太粗俗了

It’s a lot nicer than it looks from the outside 里边比外边好看多了


FYI供参考(For Your Information)

I know it like the back of my hand 了如指掌

You won’t get far 你跑不远

On account of因为;为了…的缘故

Suit yourself 你随意

Blackout n. 灯火管制;灯火熄灭;暂时的意识丧失

Need a hand with that? 需要帮助吗?

Get stuck doing the dishes 忙着洗碗

After-dinner stroll 饭后散步

Nice shiner漂亮的黑眼圈(调侃)


No skin off my back 与我无关

Whining near constant about everything 基本上什么都要抱怨

Moping  忧郁,闷闷不乐;百无聊赖

It’s annoying as hell 烦的要死

Lost-looking 一脸茫然的

Irresistible 无法抗拒的

It’s the best one could ask for 这是你能得到的最好的

Get knocked down 被打倒

Don’t give a fig about 不在乎

Bait the hook 下饵


Don’t make promises that you can’t keep. 不要随便许诺

Things got screwy 事情搞砸了

I couldn’t take it anymore. 我再也受不了

Tread lightly轻轻地走;小心处理

Door slam shut 门砰的关上

Take the stand against 反抗 抵挡

Procure 获得

Off-the-menu item 在市面上买不到的东西

Never cease to 从未停止

Hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘


Roll our way towards 出发

Fit in 融入

Hear someone out 听某人说完

No spoilers 不准剧透,别扫兴

Pulpy(泥状的;纸浆状的) stuff

Villain 反派


Clingy 粘人的

I’m an entity of my word. 我说话算话

Rise up上升;起义;叛变


Sweep over席卷


Don’t do anything rash. 别冲动

Have the look of 看上去像。。。

A happy soul 快乐的人

Watch over照管

Foot traffic 人流量

Got busted by 被抓住

Offer all the help in the world 提供一切帮助

Excuse the mess 对不起,乱糟糟的


A straight up thank you will be OK 你就不能直接说声谢谢

Say that out loud 大声说出来

Chin beard 胡子

Snarling dog狂吠的狗

Take some personal time 自己待会儿


Offer the hand of friendship 伸出友谊之手

Have a lead 有线索

Scare the life out of me 吓尿了

Pop in偶尔来访;突然出现


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