
Bold choice 大胆的选择

This is nice, quiet, still and peaceful 真好,宁静祥和

I like our life when it’s like this 我真喜欢我们这样的生活

Go into the door and shatter it 闯入屋里

Miserable existence 悲惨的生活

Morning, sleepyhead 早安,懒虫

Skip the mushy parts

Pinky swear 勾小指 订约定

Out of the goodness of his heart 处于他的好意

Scratch that 划掉重写

You need me bad 你很需要我

Crash course 速成班

Uncanny 神秘人

Someone is bad business 他不是什么好东西

Find some common ground 找到些共同点

Genuinely clueless 完全不知道

I spaced 我走神了

My heart is in pieces 我的心碎成渣渣了

Raging lunatic 发狂的疯子

Send her over edge 把她逼疯了

Estrangement 疏远

Boss her around 随意支使她

Birdie 小鸟

Spend eternity apart 永世不得相见

Selfishly speaking 自私地说

Retrace our life 重度美好时光

Do something at a cost 做某事要付出代价

Left out a detail 隐瞒一些细节

Keep up 保持更新

Moody 情绪化的




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