
想知道PTE如何备考?想了解PTE考试的设计理念?想学习雅思口语满分表达?这里全都满足你!墨尔本文波雅思PTE为你带来培生总裁Mark Anderson的专访原文,不仅让PTE考生学到PTE创始人最中肯的备考建议,也让雅思考生学到他地道的满分口语表达!一石二鸟何乐而不为也?


There is three main ways in which people can prepare: an online circle-dynamic tutorial, which basically takes a candidate through what each of the 20 types of questions are, how they basically function(作动词) those questions. (常见的并列宾语从句说明内容)




Second, we are publishing an official guide, which is being published by another part of Pearson out of Hong Kong, which is basically everything you need to know about the questions and everything you need to know about how to prepare for them with a CD-ROM with about 200 practice questions. (主从句中连续两个everything you need并列,分别跟名词宾语和宾语从句以及两个with,组成一个信息量很大的长句)




And thirdly, a full on-line practice test. Now this is going to be a very competitive (one), because it’s unique. It will be of the three main tests, the only one you can take online, which is a complete replica(复制品) of the final test, which gives you a complete range of scores on the same score scale as the final test, and which therefore gives you what I think is that wonderful value of then being able to say “where do I need to improve?”, so I can see “It’s my speaking”, and we will offer that to candidates at a fraction of(一小部分) the price of the main test. So rather than take the main test and spend…current price’s between XXX and XXX dollars, and then find out how good you are, then work out, perhaps, not necessarily very effectively(插入否定副词修饰), how you need to improve. Take more classes, and then spend the XXX or XXX dollars.


这段介绍官方的模拟考试scored test,找到自己的不足之处,有针对性准备考试。


What we want to speak to people is investing the preparation, let us give you the information and the preparatory(预备的) material that you need, so that you only take that final test once. Because what we want to focus on is success. I’ve said (that) to colleagues quite frequently. It might sound pie in the sky(地道搭配,形容遥远的不能保证实现的渺茫的目标), that we should set ourselves objectives that all candidates only take our test once. Because we prepare them so well, we give them so much information, about what they need to do to succeed, that(一个含并列且相隔很远的so that句型) when they get to that Pearson test centre, they get the score they want. And we should never create a business which has invested interest in failure, because actually, there is a big market in getting students to do poorly and take the test again(注意搭配). And I don’t want to run that kind of business, and I don’t think it is the kind of business that Pearson is. We are entirely about success. But to do that, you’ve got to prepare people, So huge challenge for us is to give people the materials to succeed. So I think our test to be associated entirely with (副词的补充修饰更生动)success.





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