


Last few days, you said that you were gonna play for one more year next year, and I think people kind of jump to the conclusion that that means you are retiring after next year.


They are ready to put me in my grave man!



Nobody around here is. The thing is, at least we have you to watch, you know, once you’re healed. But without you things are very very bleak(荒凉,惨淡的), but you did say that that’s not necessarily your plan.


Right, I’m just trying to come back from this injury, while I just take things a day at a time. This is a huge challenge I have in front of me right now. So I just want to come back from that. I just dealt with going through 9 mouths of recovery with my…, and now I’ll have to do it again, which is fine, I’m up for(不害怕,敢于面对) the challenge.


You made the documentary over that period of time.


That was a really tough, tough injury live-through.


It seems like it was, I was watching even just the physical therapy that you were going through, so it’s…


It’s boring, it’s boring! I gotta sit there, XXX my therapist say, okay, move your big toe! And I do it for like an hour just move my big toe like that, for an hour. She’s like, oh, you’re improving! I’m like, what the…what…



When you do retire, are you gonna do that thing, where you go on a goodwill tour of all the teams you played against?


That’s just not my nature man.



So when you retired, you think it would be, when announce it, you think it would be something that you do broadly?


Absolutely, I don’t wanna play through a year where everybody knows you were retiring, I hate that. I wanna play the way I’ve been playing for the last 19 years. I wanna have the same experiences that I’ve had. Those are things that I would never forget.





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