
Move house or school

Why do people move houses in the same city?

How often are you back to your hometown?

What problem can occur about moving?


An interesting country

Why do so many Chinese students choose to study abroad?

What are the differences between travelling abroad and living abroad?

Is it good for children to immigrate with the family?

What are the differences between Chinese culture and the western culture?


A special meal

What are the food differences between the old people and children?

What kind of fast food should be banned?

What is the main food in your hometown?

Which is better, the food manufactured in big factories or that in small factories?


Your plan for the future


Describe an apartment or a house

What factors should be considered when designing a house?

What are the differences between living in an apartment and a house?



Subject that you dislike

How to make the subject interesting


An occasion that you visit a house


A party you want to have with your friend or family

Special ways to have parties in your family



A big decision you made

Who do you usually ask advice from, friends or family?

Do you think the school should have problem handling lessons?

What should be included in this lesson?



Describe a photo you like

What do you prefer, photos or post cards?

Why do Chinese people like to take family photos by professional photographers?



Radio program


Trip by public transportation

What is the most popular transportation in your country?

Why do people choose this kind of transportation?


Outdoor meal

Do you like picnic?

What kind of food is healthy food?

What are the differences between to past and now?



Online games

Online shopping


A place where you can listen to music/ concert

Is it necessary for children to learn to play instrument?

What kind of music do people in different ages listen to in your county?

Do you think that a fee should be charged when downloading music?

What does technology bring to music production?




Do you often go to galleries?

Which is more popular, Chinese art or international art?

Do old people and young people have the same taste for art?

Should the government encourage people to go to galleries or not?



School rules

Why do schools make rules?

Should students get involved in making rules?

Do students in different ages have the same rules?


A story you were told when you are young


An electronic equipment that is indispensable

What influence do media have on consumers?

Why do young people like new things?


Science study in high school



An event you attend

The importance of team spirit


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