
《霍比特人》有小说,有电影,特别适合雅思写作和口语能力提升,而且文字偏古英语,很值得玩味。比如给人上茶说一句:May I tempt you with….? 我可不可以用…来诱惑你?就很有情调。今天墨尔本文波雅思就给大家总结地道的9分雅思写作口语词汇:

….Hobbit, the like of which you will never see   你以后绝对不会见过类似的

unequaled =unrivaled=unmatched

ruby   红宝书  ruby red/ ruby lips


emerald  n.adj.  绿宝石,祖母绿的  an emerald ring 翡翠戒指.

sapphire    [C] clear, bright blue jewel 蓝宝石

delve deeper…  更深入的挖掘

pay homage to  向…表达敬意

watchful nights close in  警视的夜晚降临

a sickness had began to grow within him  一种病态在它内心滋长

sound the alarm 鸣警告

set one’s eyes on 注意

run for your lives 逃命吧

wander the wilderness  在荒野中闲逛

He never forgave and he never forgot

oozy smell  informal. 黏糊糊的

keep you sticky paws off 把 你的黏糊糊的爪子拿开

what on earth are they?  他们是究竟是谁啊?

unsociable  不和别人社交的

no admittance  不准进

laddie 小伙子

at your service  为您服务

I hate to interrupt  我不想打扰你

I don’t mean to be blunt  我不想鲁莽

That’s a relief  那真是让人安心

our kin  我们的族人

May I tempt you with…?  我可以用…来诱惑你么?你想喝…么?

one dwarf short  少一个矮人

doily  n small ornamental mat of lace, paper, etc placed under a dish or under a cake, etc on a plate (精细织品或纸品的)装饰性小垫(置於盘﹑ 碟下或衬在盘中糕点下者).

a merry gathering  一个欢快的聚会

pillage the pantry  洗劫食品室

You blunt them  你把他们弄钝了

blunt the knives  把小刀弄钝

bend the forks  把叉子弄弯

smash the bottles 把瓶子砸碎

burn the corks  把塞子烧掉

chip the glasses  让玻璃瓶留豁口

crack the plates  把盘子留裂缝

over ranges and rivers  翻过群山和河流

we may be few in number  我们可能数量上可能不够

weigh the risk 衡量风险

Middle earth 中土世界









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