
1月份雅思口语换题之后,墨尔本文波雅思录制了一系列墨尔本外教范例视频,大家一致表示帮助很大。这一次5月换题,我们继续上次的传统,第一时间录制了系列视频,会尽快给大家呈现出来!首先给大家连载2015年5月至8月雅思口语新题视频1,也是大家比较头疼的一道题,描述一个教育类电视节目,Describe an educational TV program. 包括Part2和Part3



Describe an educational TV program you have watched. (雅思口语5月新题)

You should say:

what the program is;

what type of program it is;

what contents it has;

and explain what you’ve learnt from this program.


Sample answer:

One of my favourite Educational TV programs is a program called four corners. It plays on the ABC channel once a week and each week it presents an hour of sort of news program on different topics. So primarily it is a news program, however I do believe the news that they cover is quite educational. The content as I said is various every week. Some week they talk about an environmental disaster, for example, they had a program on the earthquake in Nepal(尼泊尔) the other week. And then they describe you know what happened and the repercussions of the earthquake, who was affected and what’s being done to help. I think the next week, the week that is coming, they are going to have a program on aboriginal community in Australia. Each week the content does change, but I think each week the content is very relavant. It’s always to do with something that is happening in the you know current affairs of the time. What I’ve learnt from the program? I always learn something different, whether it’s learning something that I have no idea about, like global warming or  aboriginal communities, or whether it helps to develop my knowledge of something else. It is very educational program, and it’s very enjoyable, easy to understand. It is very accessible for young people to watch cos it’s not confusing, not politicians talking and rambling. Yeah, it’s very educational.




Are TV advertisements still popular these days?

Yes, I do believe that TV advertisement is still popular. However, it might not be as popular as it might have once been. Due to other forms of advertising that’s becoming much more popular, such as advertisement you can find on YouTube. You know I sit down to watch a YouTube show, but is shows me three minutes of advertisement. That didn’t happen ten years ago. That’s a new form of advertising.

Does it have much influence on children?

I think all sorts of advertisements have influence on people, whether it’s children, whether it’s adult whether it’s teenagers. The whole point of advertisement is to influence what people think.

Advertisement would influence children. Maybe they make children more aware of different toys they might wanna buy, or diffenent theme park they want to visit.

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