

14/10/2019 墨尔本考场


Briefing: the dialogue is a telephone conversation between a nurse and a father whose son has fever.


Hello, thanks for calling (after hour) nurse advice line. I am Sarah, what can I do for you?


Can you tell me how old is your child?


What is his medical condition and general health? Does he have any allergy?


Can you tell me what happened?

我不是很确定,我太太说可能是他和其他小朋友一起在外面玩的时候感染的, 因为其他孩子也感冒了。

Has he had flu vaccination this year?


Well, if he had a vaccination then he shouldn’t have got the flu. I think he’s coughing and high body temperature may because of the cold he has got. Do you have a thermometer at home?

有的, 我让我 太太帮他量一下体温。

Good, place the thermometer under his tough or under his armpit. Tell me his temperature when it is done.

好的, 温度计上面显示37°。

Right, it seems that he has a fever, but it is not dangerously high. Give him some paracetamol to control his temperature and take him to see a doctor tomorrow morning.


You welcome.  If the situation got worse before tomorrow morning, call 000.



Briefingthe dialogue is between a primary teacher Miss price and a Mother whose daughter is going to a day trip arranged by the school.


Hello, nice to meet you. I am miss price. I understand that you are here to discuss about your daughter’ day trip, is that right?

你好,普里斯老师。是的, 我的女儿是第一次去海边,她特别的兴奋。

Yes, all kids are very excited. I will take the whole class to the beach by bus.

他们会去游泳吗? 我有点担心我女儿的安全, 因为她不会游泳。

You don’t need to worry. They are going to explore the coastline and the rock pool, not swimming.

那我就放心了。 有什么我需要为我孩子做的吗?

Yes, please make sure your daughter has some breakfast before she got on the bus.

我一定会的, 那我需要为她做中饭吗?

No, you don’t need to. The café at the destination will provide lunch for the children.

他们会提供健康食品吗? 我不希望我的女儿在出去游玩时吃一堆垃圾食品。我很在意她的健康。

It’s been a long time that we have been working with that business. The food they provide are all very healthy. They will provide a list of healthy food that are available for your daughter to choose from.


Yes, please make sure you put a sunscreen in her bag. We will spend a lot of time under the sun so we need to have some protection on our skin.


Great! Here is the consent slip that all the parents need to sign. Please also write your emergency contact number so we can contact your if there is an emergency.

好的, 我会写上我丈夫的号码。 我会让他知道他成为紧急联系人,如果有需要,你们可以联系他。 我早上把女孩放下我就要去上班了。

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