PTE Re-tell Lecture 真实讲座练习题: 阿拉伯人的春天

在PTE中,无论是Summarise Spoken Text 还是 Re-tell Lecture的考题大都是从真实的讲座或者演讲中截取的,中间经常经常夹杂很多不同的环境音.很多同学都反映有时未必是听不懂,而是听不到. 鉴于此,墨尔本文波雅思PTE专门为大家总结了真实讲座的PTE练习音频,相比新闻音频来说,整体更加接近PTE考试的真题,内容方面,我们也会为大家提供考试中存在的近似题,最近我们会持续更新,敬请期待!


So the first question we’re going to address is what are the structural factors that were underlined with the popular uprisings in the Arab world? And then we are going to try to dig in a little bit to what happened in Egypt and what continues to unfold in Egypt as part of the country’s political development. Particularly, who were the protesters who participated in the Arab uprisings? How have Egyptians voted in Presidential and Parliamentary elections following the transition from Mubarak to other forms of governance? And what are we really witnessing today? Are we seeing a kind of unstable transition from authoritarianism to democracy, or are we seeing a reassertion of authoritarian political institutions? So these are going be the things that we’re going to look at today, and I’m happy to be interrupted along the way if you guys have particular questions.


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