
墨尔本文波雅思外教分享2015年5月雅思口语高频考题答案:a change that will improve your local area. 改善当地的一个举措。 这道新题大家都说没思路,不知道怎么说,其实很简单,和雅思写作的某些话题可以共用。比如写作题里有关于交通拥堵的,原因及解决方案,就可以拿到口语里来用,不用像在写作里论证的那么深入。还是很简单的一道题。

Describe a change that will improve your local area. 新题

what the change is;

why the change is needed;

whether there will be any problems associated with the change;

and explain how it will improve your local area.


Sample answer

So one change that will improve my local area would be improved public transport system

I live in a very small suburb that is not well connected at all by any train or buses or trams

So I really believe that we need this change not only to help people get to work or uni but also to allow people to come to visit our suburb

We’ve got lots of things to offer, lots of things that tourists, people from Melbourne would like to see.

I think there will be a few problems associated with the change

Primarily there would be traffic congestion

any sort of construction to make a public transport, whether it’s a public railway or a tram stop, I think it would really affect the traffic flow during peak times in the morning

However overall, I think the benefits would definitely outweigh the negatives of that

well planned public transport system would be a great improvement


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