






第一篇对话:Intercom 报修(2019旧题,请参见文波CCL真题集)

Dialogue 1报修对讲机

A:  Good morning, Madam. How can I help you today?

B:  我想问一下关于报修这栋大楼对讲机的事情。我已经报修两个月了,但是还是没有收到任何维修的通知。


A:  Alright. Can I firstly confirm your address is Unit 6 56 Bond Street, Parramatta?

B:  是的,我们住在2楼,所以对讲机对我们很重要。

A: Yes, I understand. Could you please tell me how you find out that it was broken in the first place and when you reported it.

B:  我记得很清楚,我是10月5号报修的。因为10月3号是我74岁的生日。我的朋友来我家给我庆祝生日。我没有办法帮他们开门。

A:  Congratulations to you. When you reported, did you give us a call or did you come in person?Have you any customer reference number with us?

B:  有的。我的序列号是45536-91RG.

A: Our record did show your report and your handy man tried to contact you twice. However, there is no response. Have you changed your contact number?

B:  抱歉,可能我没有存他的电话号码。你知道,如果是不认识的号码,我是绝对不会接的。现在的电话广告营销太烦了。

A: Our contact’s name is John Brown. You may wish to write down his number in case you need to call him in the future. His number is 0438755644. I will make another appointment for you now. When would you be free?

B:  好的,我上午一般都要去看医生,下午要接孙子放学。

A:  How about Monday, 12 October at 12:30?

B:  没问题,我会在家里等着的,谢谢啦



Briefing: This is a dialogue between amandarin-speaking woman Mrs Wang and her son’s teacher in school.


Hi Good morning. I am sorry to tell you that your son’s grades are dropping, especially his physics and chemistry. Your child has done relatively well in other subjects.


It is not too bad if he speaks too much,but less talk will definitely benefit him.


That will be great.


See you.




Dialogue 1离婚咨询


A: How are you Mrs.Wang? I understand that you would like to have a separation with your husband,is that right?

B: 我和我老公过去一年都在吵架,不能在一起生活了,我累我老公也累。(注意英语句子之间的结构)(也…的结构,请参见文波官网倒装句的视频https://wenbo.tv/inversion/)

A: Before considering separation as an option, does your husband know your decision on the separation? May I know how long you have been married? Do you have any children?

B: 我们结婚10年了,有一个八岁的孩子。

A:  Did you try to fix the problems with your husband as a couple?

B: 我想去做婚姻咨询,但是我老公不愿意,我也没有办法,这不是我一个人的事情。

A: Does your husband agree on the separation? Did you discuss with your husband about parenting of your child?


Complicate the situation

Worsen/exacerbate the problem/situation

I don’t want to cause any drama

Make it big


A: If you can achieve informal oral or written agreement then you can process it straight away and don’t have to go to the family court, otherwise you will have to attend a hearing.

B: 你说的是真的吗?如果我们能达成协议,就不用上庭了?我不想把事情闹大,这样对孩子影响不好。

A:  Yes, it is stressful to kids for separation, you should think about her best interest, but you should raise the kid together by law under 18 years old.

B:  那好,我跟我老公商量一下再来找你,谢谢你。



A.      Hi, good afternoon. How can I help you?

B.       你好。我刚从隔壁的医生那里来,他给我了一个处方。您看我需要什么药呢?

A.      Good,what problem have you got? Why have you come to see the doctor today? 好的。您是什么问题呢?为什么来看医生呢?

B.       我今天手臂有点问题,所以来看医生。您有什么好的牌子的防晒霜可以推荐么?澳洲防晒很重要。

A.      Yes,protecting your skin from the sun is very important. Are you taking any other medicines?


B.       我心脏不好,所以就服这种药。为了防止紧急情况,我都随身带着。

A.      Great,let me have a look. You can take the two medicines together.


B.       那太好了。请问我该怎么吃呢?有什么注意事项么?

A.      Taketwo tablets in the morning and two in the evening. You can take them with otherfood.

B.       好的,医生。谢谢。我去哪里拿药呢?

A.      Mycolleague at isle 3 can help you with that.


B.       好的,谢谢。希望您有一个愉快的下午。再见。

A.      Seeyou.



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