2019年CCL真题录音加文本大放送- 2019年4月17日-探视孩子




John Smith: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is John Smith, this session‘s mitigator.

Session: meeting or series of meetings of a parliament, lawcourt, etc for discussing or deciding sth (议会的)会议; (法庭的)开庭: the morning session of the Crown Court 英国地方刑事法庭的上午开庭 * the next session of arms negotiations 军备谈判的下一届会议

Mitigator: 调解员


Ms Wang:   你好。法院已经让我探视我的孩子了,但是我丈夫的律师一直都不让我探视,还威胁说,我这辈子都不可能见到我儿子了。


John Smith: Before we go into details, you need to be aware that this session is confidential. You are not allowing your husband to be involved.


Ms. Wang:    是的,我太害怕他了,他威胁我,还虐待我儿子。

Abuse v. /z/

Mistreat/ill-treat/maltreat: v.


John Smith: Please control your emotion and listen carefully.


Ms Wang:   这实在是太不公平了,我养了我儿子13年,现在我已经有3个月没有见到他了。


John Smith: If you are so upset, you might lose your rights to visit your son. Forget about his lawyer, tell me what happened.


Ms Wang:   我丈夫不守信用啊,上周五我去接儿子,但是他已经把儿子接走了,我没见到我儿子。

John Smith:  You can contact your ex-husband about the reason. Maybe there was a miscommunication between you two.


Ms Wang:    那好吧,我周五去接他,周一再把他送回去。你可以给我什么建议吗?


John Smith: No, I am only wearing one hat, and that is the mitigator.

Wear one hat: 只有一个身份


Ms Wang:    好吧,感谢你的帮助。











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