2019年CCL真题录音加文本大放送- 2019年4月11日-咨询用药




This dialogue is between an elderly Mandarin speaking woman Mrs. Chen and Doctor Julie Hurston. This is the first time for Mrs. Chen to inquire about her medication in Australia.


Julie: Good morning. Mrs. Chen. How are you? How can I help you today?


Chen: 早上好,医生。我想要咨询一下我的用药情况。我这些药已经吃了六年了。主要是降低胆固醇和高血压的。

Bring down: 把…弄下来

The government hopes these measures will help to bring down inflation.

The pilot managed to bring the plane down safely.

A bomber had been brought down by anti-aircraft fire.

a crisis that could bring down the government

He was brought down by the goalkeeper and awarded a penalty.

Lower: let or bring (sb/sth) down

Reduce: 缩减(体积﹑ 数量﹑ 程度﹑ 价格等

Decrease: v/n. 数字方面下降,这里不推荐

High blood pressure:


1.abnormally high blood pressure 高血压.

2.great emotional tension 精神过度紧张.


Julie: Six years could be quite a long time to take these tablets. Have you done any blood test to check your cholesterol and blood pressure?


Chen:  我在中国做过检查。我是3个月前来到澳洲的。我只有中国的医生给我开的处方,但是我不能用中国的处方在澳洲买药呀。


Julie:  Have you by any chance brought the examining results and the prescription? If you have them, I can check them in my database to see whether there are similar tablets.


Chen: 是的,我都带来了。但并不是所有的内容都是英文的。只有那些有效成分是英文的。澳洲的医生应该可以辨认出那些成分。

Active ingredients

Active substance

Active & effective



Julie:  Yes, I have found them in my database. They are in similar dosage so you can take per tablet each morning.


Dosage: amount of medicine to be taken at a time or over a period (药物一次或一阶段的)剂量: Do not exceed the recommended dosage. 不要超过规定的剂量.


A dose refers to a specified amount of medication taken at one time. By contrast, dosage is the prescribed administration of a specific amount, number, and   frequency of doses over a specific period of time.

Use vs Usage:

Mile vs mileage: 英里 vs 里程


Chen: 那太好了。我能用这个处方买到多少盒药呢?

Box: 盒子

Packet: A small pack or package; a little bundle or parcel;

例子: a packet of letters, a packet of crisps, a packet of biscuits.


Julie:I will prescribe for 6 boxes that are enough for the next 6 months. After you finish all the tablets, you can come back to see me.


Chen: 好的。那我现在就去安排下一次见医生的时间。


Julie: Ok, I will see you then to check everything is good.


Chen: 那太好了。非常感谢你给我提供的信息。


Julie: What else can I help you?


Chen: 没有了。今天就是这些。谢谢你的帮助。











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