







Dialogue One

Dialogue between Amy, the claim officer from NRMA insurance company and Mr Wang


Officer: Hello. Thank you for calling NRMA. This is Amy. How can I help?


Client: 你好,我是王伟。昨天我发生了车祸。保单编号T193. 我想要申请赔偿。


Officer: Thank you for providing your policy number. What exactly happened?


Client: 昨天我们回家路上, 前面的车突然刹车,我们来不及刹车,就追尾了。我车灯和保险杠都撞坏了。还好没有人受伤。


Officer: Do you know the registration number of the other car, make and model? By the way, do you exchange driver licence and contract no. with the other driver?


Client: 是的,我全有。他当时在玩手机,没有注意前面车的情况。我是全险,这样我应该获得赔偿,没问题吧?


Officer: I need to contact the other driver’s insurer and listen to his side of story as well before we make decision about your claim.


Client: 他说我们没有主要前车情况才追尾的,可惜当时我们没有证人。


Officer:Don’t worry. Certainly, we will do the best job as we can. We will carefully consider both side and make fair judgement. By the way, were you the driver?


Client: 我儿子刚拿到正式驾照,我当时让他开的车,想增加一些他开高速的经验。


Officer:It seems your son is not on the list of your policy. Does he under 25 years old? If he does, then you will need to pay $600 excess fee if he is at fault.


Client: 真倒霉。他刚23岁。算了,赶快处理了吧,我不想有麻烦。


Officer:We will sort this out as soon as possible and get in touch with you soon.


Client: 好的,麻烦了。







Dialogue Two


Doctor:Good morning, Mr. Jin. I know you want to talk about your son.


Client: 早上好,医生。我儿子西蒙要去参加学校的野营活动。他拿着这个健康医疗表回家。


Doctor: I have seen the form before. I need to know Simon’s medical history. I need to ask you some questions about him.


Client: 这个表看上去很复杂,这上面都问了什么问题呢?我们需要做检查吗?


Doctor: Let’s have a look at the first section of the form. In this section, they ask about immunization. Did he has mumps, polio, tetanus, measles etc.?


Client: 我们有他接种疫苗的全部记录。这些疫苗他都有接种。 另外他小时候对盘尼西林过敏。这点需要告诉学校吗?


Doctor: If it isn’t mentioned in the form, then you don’t need to tell the school. As long as the school knows his allergy, the school won’t prevent his school camp.


Client: 他前几天吃了海鲜,肚子不舒服,还拉肚子,但是我觉得应该是食物中毒而不是食物过敏。


Doctor:That sounds right. School asked about his cholesterol and heartbeat. And it needs his blood test. Did he take these tests before?


Client: 没有。那我们就做一个血液检查吧。我注意到我需要在最后一栏签字是吗?


Doctor:Yes. This is medical treatment consent form. It will authorize the in-charge teacher in camp to give Simon any necessary procedure if they can’t contact you.


Client: 原来如此,那我们预约一个血液检查吧。医生,拜托你了。



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