
大家都知道我们雅思考试中S1和S3一般都是以dialogue的形式出现,两人或者多人的对话。就像我们平时交流一样,对话中必然会带有人与人之间的语气变化,因此我们的 ‘3C’原则也应运而生。

‘3C’指的是 ‘ check, confirm和change’ (核对,确认,改变)这三个词。以C7T4S3的23-26题为例,题目如下,
What do the students decide about each topic for the geography presentation?
A   They will definitely include this topic.
B   They might include this topic.
C   They will not include this topic.
Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 23-26.
23 Geographical Location                     ………………
24 Economy                                             ………………
25 Overview of Education System        ………………
26 Role of English Language                ………………

• 23.
TREVOR: OK…but I think we ought to say something about the geographical location[check] … cos not a lot of people know where the islands are…
JULIE: Yes…OK[confirm]… I’ll take notes, shall I?
• 24.
JULIE: Shouldn’t we say something about the economy[check] … you know because it does influence the education system…
TREVOR: Look… let’s think about the one later shall we[change]?  Let’s see how we are doing for time…
JULIE: OK[confirm]…
• 25.
JULIE: … so … general overview of education [check]…
TREVOR: Of course [confirm] …
• 26.
TREVOE: … and then the role of English language [check]…
JULIE: Nope [change] … that goes in the Language Police Seminar … don’t you remember?
TREVOR: Are you sure? [check]
JULIE: Positive. [confirm]


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