
地道英语词汇的积累一直是墨尔本悉尼文波PTE培训学校强调的积累。我们也立志成为地道英语的搬运工。今天墨尔本悉尼文波PTE培训学校的小编就继续给大家总结了2017年1月31号Financial review上的地道词汇搭配,希望对墨尔本PTE和悉尼PTE考生有帮助。下面开始:

force a last-minute rethink among the Senate 强迫参议院最后一分钟思考下

persuade the Senate to give more ground 说服参议院妥协

split the bill and cut a deal 把议案拆分,达成协议

His speech will be preceded by Opposioion Leader Bill Shorten  他演讲前反对派领袖Bill Shorten也会演讲

Labor’s Australia-first policy 共党的澳大利亚第一的政策

jobs can be filled locally  工作机会当地就会被消化

unskilled enclave 没有技术的领地

/ˈenkleɪv, ˈeŋ-/ n [C]

British enclaves in Africa 非洲的英国飞地 * (fig 比喻) Switzerland was an enclave of peace in war-torn Europe. 在饱经战争磨难的欧洲, 瑞士是和平的世外桃源

exert more pressure 产生更大压力

gigawatt-hour 千瓦时

spark recession 引起经济的萧条

border-adjustment tax  边境调整税

send the world into a recession 让世界陷入经济萧条

long-haul carrier  长途飞机

hort/medium/long haul aircraft 短程[中程/远程]运输飞机

The decision caught airlines off-guard 这项决定让航空公司措手不及

I cannot think of anything comparable 我想不到任何东西可以与之相比

the named countries 提到的国家

The new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam 美国总统的新政策让他们认为美国和伊斯兰国家宣战的主张更合法

side with extremists  同意极端分子

launch a new war in the Middle East 在中东发动一场新的战争

Chinese firms’ buying frenzy snaps up 30 percent of Hong Kong’s new land  攫取

       gobble up = snap up=snatch

warns of skills shortage 警告技能缺少

He would work across government to make housing more affordable 在政府多部门之间工作让住房更容易负担

it will cost 5.5 million apiece 每一个将花费5百五十五

They all catch the knock-on (后续的) influence of new housing commencements(新房开建), renovations and the general wealth effect of owner-occupiers who generally remain smug(高兴的,幸灾乐祸的) when the value of their houses and apartments keeps soaring.

grow more confused 变得更困惑

That rule of thumb will be particularly important to investors in the Asia region 拇指法则–实验性的,试探性的,可能不太精确的原则

grow anxious about his rhetoric towards China and trade policy 对于他关于中国和贸易政策的论调变得更焦虑







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