


stymie /’staɪmɪ/    v. 阻碍 n. 困难的处境


frown /fraʊn/ v./ n.皱眉;不同意

e.g. frown upon 不赞成


stodgy /‘stɒdʒɪ/ 容易吃饱的,枯燥无味的

e.g. the stodgy mainstream of Chinese broadcasting




hit the jackpot 赢得一大笔钱,取得巨大成功


gruelling /’ɡruəliŋ/  紧张的,激烈的,令人筋疲力尽的


persona /pə’səʊnə/ 角色,表象人格


globetrotter /’ɡləub,trɔtə/ 环球旅行者


compatriot /kəm’pætrɪət/ n. 同胞;adj. 同胞的

e.g. The tension between Ms Jin’s persona as a patriotic Chinese, and the one she displays as a globetrotter with a foreign husband, is one that is widely understood among her compatriots.


surreptitiously /ˌsʌrəp’tiʃəsli/ 偷偷的


staunch /stɔːn(t)ʃ/ 坚定的,忠实的


infiltration /ˌinfil’treiʃən/ 潜入,渗透

e.g. a staunch defender of “traditional” Chinese culture, and warns of the danger of Western “infiltration”


Confucian /kən’fjʊʃən/ 儒家


cinema-goer / filmgoer 常上电影院的人;影迷


home-grown production 本土制作


furore /ˌfjʊ(ə)’rɔːrɪ/ 轰动,公愤

e.g. The Xinhua article that had caused the furore was deleted from their websites.




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