

EARTH is poorly named. The ocean covers almost three-quarters of the planet. It is divided into five basins: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern oceans.Were all the planet’s water placed over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132km tall. The ocean provides 3bn people with almost a fifth of their protein (making fish a bigger source of the stuff than beef). Fishing and aquaculture assure the livelihoods of one in ten of the world’s people. Climate and weather systems depend on the temperature patterns of the ocean and its interactions with the atmosphere. If anything ought to be too big to fail, it is the ocean.

deep troubles 大麻烦,深陷困境

Earth is poorly named.文章开篇就说: 地球这个名字起得不好。poorly named 命名不好,糟糕。作者在这里用了一个被动语态,突出重点是地球这个名字,与施动者关系不大。文思看山不喜平,这一句看似简洁平常,但细细一读,类似当头一棒,揭露我们每天都称呼的“地球” 居然名字叫错了,从而引起读者的好奇心。

The ocean covers almost three-quarters of the planet. 这一句就是揭晓前一句的答案,海洋覆盖了这个星球的四分之三。一个名为“土地”的星球,实实在在的其实是个“水球”!这个句子里的cover是我们描述地图题里占据面积时屡试不爽的动词。

It is divided into five basins: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Arctic and the Southern oceans.

Were all the planet’s water placed over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132 km tall.
很多同学这个句子看着很别扭,看着像疑问句,但是结尾是句号。两个句子放在一起,中间也缺乏连接词。如果我帮你稍微捋一下: If all the planet’s water were placed over the United States, it would form a column of liquid 132 km tall. 应该看起来就轻松了。假如把地球上的水全部放在美国,那么能(在美国本土面积上)形成一个132千米的水柱。数学好的同学用地面积乘个高,基本能算出来地球水体的体积哈。

The ocean provides 3bn people with almost a fifth of their protein (making fish a bigger source of the stuff than beef).
海洋为30亿人提供了五分之一的蛋白质 (这也让鱼肉在蛋白质的供应量上超过了牛肉)。括号里是补充,其实不加过好,就用making引导一个分词短语完全没有问题。其实是which makes的定语从句简化为making的分词短语。SWT里可以用分词短语简化从句,这样腾出空间,留给其他从句,以免句子显得太臃肿。

Fishing and aquaculture assure the livelihoods of one in ten of the world’s people.
Fishing 渔业; aquaculture 水产业,千万不要按字面意思理解(不然,水文化是什么鬼,估计会困住不少同学)。
assure the livelihoods  确保了…….的生计。

Climate and weather systems depend on the temperature patterns of the ocean and its interactions with the atmosphere.
气候和天气系统/体系 取决于海洋的温度场(temperature patterns 这里是个专业术语,虽然未必能猜中准确意思,但是从字面也能理解个八九不离十)和海洋与大气的相互作用。这是在讲海洋对大气的影响。如果同学们可以回想一下,作者之前从海洋为人类提供蛋白质,到养活了地球上十分之一的人口,直到最后影响气候,逐渐的在铺垫海洋对我们的重要影响。这么细节化,条理化的处理也是我们写作过程中应该具备的逻辑条理。
If anything ought to be too big to fail, it is the ocean.
假如有什么东西是大而不倒,那一定是海洋。Too big to fail 以前金融危机时候经常说到的,有些大企业因为牵扯重大,不能轻易倒闭。这里借用这个表达来表述海洋的重要性。也算一个金句。

以上是这篇文段的精读,大家做精读应该也能做到这个程度才好。因为文段文字不难,长短句交替。除了分析语句,大家完全可以拿来当作read aloud练习。



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