PTE Re-tell Lecture 真实讲座练习题:爱因斯坦相信黑洞理论吗?

在PTE中,无论是Summarise Spoken Text 还是 Re-tell Lecture的考题大都是从真实的讲座或者演讲中截取的中间经常经常夹杂很多不同的环境音.很多同学都反映有时未必是听不懂,而是听不到. 鉴于此,墨尔本悉尼文波雅思PTE专门为大家总结了真实讲座的PTE练习音频,相比新闻音频来说,整体更加接近PTE考试的真题,内容方面,我们也会为大家提供考试中存在的近似题,最近我们会持续更新,敬请期待!

Einstein was skeptical about black holes, when he first learned that his own mathematical equations gave rise to this possibility. He just felt that they were too extreme to ever be realized in the real world. Yet from a modern perspective, it’s not too hard to understand why one would be skeptical, I mean if you wanted to make the black hole out of the earth. How would you do it? You have to squash the earth down to half an inch across. If you wanted to make a black hole out of the sun, you have to take the Sun and squash it down to a few miles across. These are such fantastically extreme configurations of matter. That is natural to suspect that Yes the math may allow it, but the physical universe won’t. But, you know it’s amazing that observations since Einstein’s time have given us an overwhelming amount of evidence that black holes are real. So however skeptical Einstein may have been, there is a little doubt now that the black holes are actually out there.


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