科技类词汇-iPhone6S iPad Pro发布会高分搭配

科技发展日新月异,苹果无疑是科技发展的领军力量。新的苹果发布会,又给我们的生活带来什么新的体验?一些科技类的新词,你get到了吗?下面,墨尔本文波雅思就带大家浏览苹果公司新品iPhone6S和 iPad Pro发布会的高分地道搭配!

关于iPhone 6S

four metal finishes 四种金属抛光色,注意finish的用法
Multi-Touch has redefined how we interact with our devices. 多点触摸技术重新定义了我们和手机的交互方式。
It’s truly profound innovation. 这的确是一次深度的创新。
imagine how you take Multi-Touch to next generation and further deliver a a new experience that’t just as profound as the first Multi-Touch.
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3D Touch is a tremendous breakthrough in interacting with our devices. 3D触摸是和手机交互方式的极大的突破.
所谓 3D Touch 就是在轻触和按压之外新增了一个压力等级,能识别轻触、按压、重压这三种不同的动作。
With iPhone and Multi-Touch, we introduced a whole-new way to interact with technology. iPhone手机的多点触摸,带我们领略和科技互动的全新方式
Tapping, swiping and pinching have forever changed the way we navigate and experience out digital world. 触摸,滑动,两点聚焦放大的使用,改变了我们在数据世界遨游的方式。
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For the first time, along with recognising familiar gestures, iPhone also recognises force, enabling gestures, peek and pop. 苹果为 3D Touch 带来了两项操作, Peek 和 Pop。以浏览邮件为例,轻按屏幕,可用 Peek 预览收件箱中的每封邮件。如果要打开其中一封,只需按压时继续稍微用力,即可用 Pop 点开邮件。
3D touch is a clear example of how hardware and software developed together, can work to define a new single experience新的独立用户体验.
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iPad is the clearest expression of our vision of  future of the personal computing. iPad是我们对未来个人电脑设想的最清晰的表达

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iPad transformed the way we create, the way we learn and the the way we work iPad改变了我们创造,学习和工作的方式
Your Tv shows and movies are more cinematic (adj.  电影的; 影片的), the games we play are more immersive and powerful
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desktop class performance 台式机级别的性能
iPhone 6s 和 iPhone 6s Plus 采用了第三代 64 位处理器—— A9 处理器,并搭配 M9 协处理器。
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multitasking feature 多任务同时处理
Huge incredibly detailed, rich colour.
Touch, of course, is the primary method of interaction with iPad. 使用iPad最主要的方式当然还是触摸。注意插入语的位置及使用方法。
To enhance what’s possible with Multi-Touch and to allow for a new level of precision with iPad
iPad has always been uniquely immersive
iPad Pro not only transforms your viewing experience, it enables new ways of creating and sharing


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