
2014年3月8日雅思考试写作回忆:A类小作文:A类小作文考了流程图!流程图分为method 1; method 2 and methods 3; method 1起点是advertisement in company; then shortlist;
then interview, then job offer; method 2 起点是advertisement in press; then evaluate the applications, then shortlists, then interview and tests; method 3 beginning with external

A类大作文:Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




P1 watch TV; time management;P2 a period time that I was busy P3 科技发展对时间管理的影响 火车 交通

P1 study or work singer, manner P2 website P3 another website

P1多久见家人一次?搬家P2 一次搬学校或搬家的经历 时间,原因 你的感受等 P3换工作对家人的影响,搬新的地方会面临什么问题 小孩子和大人谁比较容易适应新环境?

P1 坐火车吗?你住的地方人经常坐火车吗?P2 something u enjoyed reading

p1 work or study P2 describe an advertisement P3 education environment.

P1 name plant P2 decribe something you cannot live without

P1 clothes university P2 describe an event that change your life

p1 work or study P2 describe an interesting conversation with a stranger

p1 where do you live cooking? Do you cook for yourself? What do you usually cook? do you think cooking is an important life skill?P3 Do many parents in China force their children go to extra class? what are the important traits that an intelligent person should have?

P1 computer accommodation P2 advertisement

P1 work or study future plan accomodation P2 describe a social network technology

P2 describe a subject you dislike but you have to do


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