
2015年1月29日及1月31日雅思回忆直播尽在微博@墨尔本文波雅思 及微信个人号wenbo_tv. 即时直播,关注我们,获得最早雅思回忆!1月29日及31日的考试会包含1月暴露的新题,也会包含一些旧题,大家重点准备新题,也不能忽视旧题。下面先给大家放上口语第一部分的预测:



Is your family name a common one in your country?

Do you like your name?

Does your name mean anything or have a special significance?

Have you ever wanted to change your name?

Who usually names babies in your country?

Do you have any special traditions about naming children?



What is your major?Why did you choose this major?

What do you like most about your major?

Is there anything you don’t like about your major?

What was it like on your first day at school?

What do you plan to do after graduation?

Do you prefer a quiet place or a noisy place to study?



What do you do for a living?

What was your first day like at work?

Tell me about a typical day at work. What do you do on a daily basis?

What’s the most difficult part of it?

Do you plan to continue doing this type of work?


School and subject

Do you like to go to school when you were a child?

What subject do you like best and why?

What subject do you think is the most difficult one?

How do you feel about your school?


Hometown/ city you live

Do you like your hometown?

What would you say are the good points and the bad points of your hometown?

Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?

What don’t you like about our hometown?


Watch sky

Do you like to watch the sky?

Do you watch sky in the day or at night?

What is the sky like at night in your hometown?

Do you like to watch stars?

Is it important to study stars?



How much time do you spend with your friends at a weekly basis?

What do you usually do with your friends?

How many friends do you think is enough for you? Why?

which do you think is better, to have a lot of friends or only a few best friends?

when did you first meet your best friend?



Do you like to write things by hands? Why?

Do you think handwriting can reflect one’s personality?

Do you like to write postcards?



How many hours do you sleep every day?

Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

Do old people sleep a lot? Why?

How to have a good sleep?

Do you like to get up early in the morning?



What festivals do you have in your country?

Which festival do you like best?

Do you think those festivals are enough?



Do you like doing housework?

How can you like doing housework?

Do you often do housework in your childhood?

What new invention do you think can help people do housework in the future?



What do you usually do on weekends?

Do you usually make a plan how to spend your weekend?

Do you like to work on weekends?



What do you usually wear at work?

Will you change to a different type of clothes after work?

Do you wear the same clothes at school and at home?

Do you think we spend too much money on clothes?

What clothes do you usually like to wear?



What’s your favourite colour?

Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?

Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?

Do you think the colour of one’s clothes is important?

Are there any colours you dislike?


visitors at home

How often do you have visitors at home?

How do you treat visitors at home?

What  was the last time that you have the most visitors at home?



Which season in your city do you like best?

Do you prefer to stay in a place where seasons change often?

What is the least favorite season in your country?

What are  the differences between different seasons?



Do you watch the ads on the street?

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

Do you think advertising plays a very important role in today’s world?

What sorts of advertisements leave the deepest impression on people?

What do you think about the developments in advertising in China today?



Do you like trees? Why?

Are there any important trees in your country?

Do you think places with a lot trees attract more visitors?

Have you ever planted a tree?



what place do you prefer reading in? Why?

Why is reading important?

Do you prefer reading alone or with other people?



Do you like to collect anything?

How much time do you spend on your collection?

Would you keep your collection in the future?

Why do people like to keep old things?



How many shoes do you have?

Where do you shop for shoes?

What kinds of shoes do you like?

Do you like shopping shoes or clothes?

Do you prefer comfortable shoes or pretty shoes?

相关文章: 雅思口语1月29日及31日预测一月新题汇总P2+P3 -重点准备-特别更新P3




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