
 墨尔本文波雅思外教为大家视频展示如何回答雅思口语一月新题: a course you did not like before but like it now. 这道新题是之前两道口语旧题的融合。旧题的题目是描述一个高中科目,另一道题是描述一门你不喜欢的科目。两道题一叠加,就是这道新题。从2015年的雅思 口语新题可以看出,雅思口语考试开始朝细节发展,从描述course的定语的长度可以看出。这其实是一个好处,因为之前总有同学说第二部分说不够长度,说 一会儿就没话说了。而这道题需要考生既说出之前不喜欢的原因,又说出现在喜欢的原因,内容的丰富度就可以保证了。剩下的,就是看考生有没有丰富的词汇,正 确的语法,流利的表达自己的思想。


P2 Describe a subject that you did not like before but you like it now

You should say:

What the subject was

Why you did not like it before

Why you like it now



A course I didn’t like before but I do like now is Chinese language. When I first started learning Chinese language in school then further on in university, it was so hard. So I felt so frustrated and sometimes quite bored because it is a difficult language to study, and also I think one of the big problem is for an Australian, we use a  romanticized alphabet, so A B C D,it is very hard to remember characters for someone who has never used pictogram style language. The other problem I had and made it so hard and maybe dislike it is tones. Chinese is a tone language with four tones. In English, especially Australian English, we use tones to convey our meaning and how we feel about  something. So if I say NO(in the fourth tone), it’s angry and everyone knows. If I say no(in the third tone) it means I am not sure. I am asking a question. So for someone who speaks Australian English exclusively,mastering in Chinese language is merely impossible. I started to like Chinese when I am good at it. I am not sure why and when it happened, but suddenly my teacher was telling me you were very good. I think her support and praise help me to like it because when I changed to a different teacher,  everything changed and  I got much better and everything was clear. I also started to have people (waiters and waitresses  in a restaurant and teachers and friends ) saying , Wow your Chinese is so good. And that made me feel good about myself which made me want to do better so I can hear this kind of praise more. I’ve been studying for quite some time now. If I didn’t like it now, it would be a waste of  time, pretty much my whole life. I do like it because of my teachers, so I like it,  it’s best of all my other classes.


P3 What do you think is the most important thing in learning a foreign language?

I think the most important thing is being brave and being willing to open mouth and say something. Because without constant practice, you can’t pronounce things properly. You need the correction. If you don’t have the correction, you’ll say the wrong thing for ever and maybe have a little misunderstanding,especially Chinese. If you use the wrong tone, it change your sentence from being nice to being very rude. So it is important to being willing to make mistakes and have someone correct them.



雅思口语一月新题外教示范:unusual building


雅思口语 一月新题外教示范:擅长做饭的人

雅思口语一月新题外教示范: a place full of colours

雅思口语一月新题外教示范:ambition that you haven’t achieved yet.


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