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Paul Walker Corpse Photos Up For Sale?

Paul Walker’s death does not end with the fiery car crash because according to recent reports, photos of Walker as well as his friend Roger Rodas’ burned corpses are currently being sold. The reports came after the ‘Fast and Furious’ actor has been laid to rest at the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles, California last December 14.

Showbiz Spy reported that someone present at the accident scene captured not only photos of the car wreckage but also images of the victims’ unidentifiable bodies. The photographer will allegedly seal the deal with the highest bidder.

“It shows the inside of the Porsche after it was ravaged by fire. The bodies are severely burned and can be clearly seen lying inside the vehicle. Walker’s body is still fairly intact. He has fallen backwards and his arms are spread apart. He is completely burned. No more clothes on his body,” claims a source.

The photographer allegedly highlighted the “horrifying” photos to make sure that the viewer wouldn’t miss out the bodies: “The picture shows the bodies of the two victims and makes sure you can’t miss them by outlining the corpses in color!”

The news is deemed unfortunate especially for family, friends, and fans who are still mourning Paul Walker’s death. Fans of the actor have reacted online for people desiring to exploit Walker’s tragedy:

“It’s a shame that some people would degrade themselves like that just to make a few bucks. I feel for both families,” says one netizen who named himself as Luis.

On the other hand, another self-confessed fan named Sue declares that too much reporting on Paul Walker’s death is already a way of exploiting him: “We are all guilty of exploiting his death to a degree… by clicking on all of these stories thus encouraging story after story. Shame on us and shame on the media (yes, that includes me!)”

The actor’s funeral last Saturday was very intimate according to reports. After the funeral, Walker’s mother hosted a small reception for her son’s friends and co-stars.







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