


We might just reap more rewards by exercising early.  收获好处

improve endurance and energy as well as metabolism and muscle growth. 提高忍耐力,新陈代谢,肌肉生长

On the flipside, if you get your groove on a little later in the day, all is not lost. 从负面来看,

our natural body clock  我们的生物钟

Meanwhile, northbound lanes on the Princes Highway approaching Kiama have reopened after a fluid spill on Monday morning, but motorists continue to experience lengthy delays.


Dallas Police Chief David Brown says some major crimes are up through the first three weeks of 2015, but cautioned City Council members not to read too much into the numbers.

Brown said the sample size is too small to make a generalization about this year

  • Murders are up to 10 from 7 at the same time in 2014. Last year, police recorded thecity’s lowest murder rate since 1930.
  • Burglary is down 17 percent, but business burglaries are up 20 percent.
  • Auto theft is up about 4 percent over last year. That crime has been stagnating a little after major reductions over the last decade.
  • Robberies, driven by a 44 percent jump in business robberies, are up about 9 percent over the same time last year.
  • Aggravated assaults, which were up last year, continue to be up.

Australia Day Spirits undampened by rain  澳洲国庆日的激情没有被大雨浇灭

One in three women in Australia will be subjected to physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.  Just as concerning is that it seems community attitudes are not changing fast enough.

A THIEF broke into a home in Doncaster early on Saturday, taking keys to the cars parked in an adjoining garage.


Pacific Ocean La Nina events that trigger droughts in the U.S. Southwest, floods in China and raise the chances for tropical systems in the western part of the basin, as well as in the Atlantic, will likely occur twice as often due to greenhouse warming, according to a paper published in Nature Climate Change.


A La Nina is when the surface of the equatorial Pacific cools below normal levels and there is a corresponding change in the atmosphere. The events occur every few years and the last one ended in 2012, according to the U.S. Climate Prediction Center in College Park, Maryland.


Warm ocean water is melting one of the world’s biggest glaciers from below, potentially leading to a rise in sea levels, Australian scientists have discovered.





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