acrimony 尖刻
e.g. Barack Obama’s presidency lurched between idealism and acrimony but some of his accomplishments will endure.
debutant 首次进入社交界的上流社会年轻女子
camouflage 伪装,掩饰
trailblazing 创新的
disenchanted 不抱幻想的,失望的
bespeak 证明,预定
e.g. bespeak high expectations
emancipation 解放
retard 减慢,阻碍
e.g. That halting pattern, which retards but does not cancel progress, ……
clique 小圈子,小集团
e.g. schoolyard cliques
bequeath 遗赠,把……传下去
antagonistic 敌对的,相对抗的
scuttlebutt 谣言
trajectory 轨迹
unfeigned 非假装的,由衷的
meddling 管闲事;爱管闲事的
gizmo 小玩意儿
unobtrusive 不招摇的
bogus 假的,假冒的
tarnish 失去光泽,变得模糊不清
e.g. If firms are careless about security, they risk tarnished reputations and lost customers.
proliferation 激增
impregnable 坚不可摧的,不可动摇的,无可反驳的
e.g. No software program can be made impregnable, but liability regimes can reflect firms’ efforts to rectify flaws once they become apparent.
nihilistic 虚无主义的
incarcerate 关押
erstwhile 从前的
tabulation 列表显示
e.g. tabulations of data
motif 装饰图案,主题
recidivism 累犯
e.g. It would be hard and probably foolish to argue that the tattoos cause the recidivism.