Hello, Ms. Li, I’m an officer from the State Coroner’s Office, I have some questions for you.
Your mother’s body is placed in the morgue of a local hospital. When did you find out about her death?
那天我早上起来后,发现她躺在客厅的地上,我叫她,她已经没有回应了。 然后我就打电话叫了救护车
When the ambulance came, they found your mum already dead. They called the police, because this is unexpected death, since they could not find any medical record of your mother in Australia.
我母亲是拿旅游签证来澳洲的, 虽然她年纪很大,但她精神一直很好, 也几乎从不生病,所以没去看医生。
The coroner will order post mortem to decide if there is any medical cause behind your mother’s death.
我尊重澳大利亚的法律, 但是我们中国人特别忌讳这个,能不能保持她全尸?我母亲生前信佛,对下葬的时辰有讲究,我想尽快安排她的葬礼。
As her next of kin, you have the right to write a rejection report to the coroner court.
Your objection of post mortem may delay the release of your mom’s body. I will inform you as soon as I hear from the coroner.
Good morning, Mrs. Jin, you are here to discuss about your son John.
你好,我很担心我儿子, 我发现他在非法使用毒品。
Before we go into details, are you certain that he’s using illegal drugs? They include marijuana, heroin, cocaine, amphetamine. Can you be more specific, please?
我给他洗衣服的时候,衣服上有特别难闻的烟味儿, 回家之后昏昏沉沉眼睛发红, 以前从来不去国家公园和音乐会, 现在开始去了, 而且都是他朋友来接, 我儿子同学的妈妈说他们在吸大麻。
Does he have any mood swings or behavioral change?
These are indeed symptoms of using marijuana, but let’s not jump to conclusion. Using marijuana not only has adverse effect on his emotions and behaviors, but is also harmful to his stomach, intestines, and lungs. Have you talked with him candidly?
That’s not true. The use, possession, and selling of marijuana in most states in America are illegal. In Australia, personal use of marijuana is not criminalized and its legal use is limited to nationwide medical and scientific use only.
There are many drug and alcohol use rehabilitation institutions, I will refer him to school counsellor any psychologist, it will help him.