在澳洲如何成为一个Owner Builder?

在澳洲的很多朋友想自己建房或者自己做一些室内装修。大于一定金额就需要申请owner builder的资质,否则找持拍builder去做,花的钱就多很多了。但是如何获得这样的一个Owner Builder 呢? 今天墨尔本悉尼文波PTE培训学校的小编就给澳洲新移民解析下:

1. Overview

An owner-builder is someone who takes responsibility for domestic building work carried out on their own land.

An owner-builder is responsible for obtaining building permits, supervising or undertaking the building work, and ensuring the work meets building regulations and standards.

In Victoria, an owner-builder can only build or renovate one house every five years and must intend to live in the house once completed. (5年才能建一个,而且自己必须住在里面)

Some of the obligations of an owner-builder last for six and a half years after completion of the building work.

In some instances, an owner-builder’s property may become a workplace for the purposes of Occupational Health and Safety legislation and then certain obligations will apply.

If the value of the domestic building work to be undertaken is more than $16,000 you must have a certificate of consent from the VBA to be an owner-builder.(室内装修或建造价值大于16000澳币,就必须先有一个VBA的许可证才能成为owner builder)

Remember – even if you have signed as an owner-builder on the application form for a building permit:

  • you will need to enter into a major domestic building contract when a registered domestic builder, contractor or tradesperson will do domestic building work costing more than $5,000 (unless a single trade exemption applies);
  • a builder, contractor or tradesperson must give you domestic building insurance for work costing more than $16,000;
  • warranties still apply.

Some builders or tradespeople may ask you to sign an application form for a building permit as an owner-builder even though they will be doing all the work. If you do this it may put you at risk. The person may be unregistered or trying to avoid their legal responsibilities. You are not an owner-builder if you intend to engage one builder to do all the building work. (有的建筑者会让我们自己去申请owner builder, 而他们自己来做这些工作。这样他们自己就不用承担法律责任。大家一定要小心)

在澳洲如何成为一个Owner Builder?

在澳洲如何成为一个Owner Builder?

2.Becoming an owner-builder

If the value of your proposed domestic building work is more than $16,000 (including labour costs and materials) you will need to apply for a certificate of consent from the VBA to become an owner-builder.

The certificate of consent enables you to obtain a building permit and carry out domestic building work as an owner-builder on your land.(必须在自己的土地上)

In deciding whether to issue a certificate, the VBA will consider amongst other things whether the applicant:

  • intends to live in the property upon completion of the building work;
  • owns or co-owns land for which a building permit has been granted in respect of an owner-builder project in the past 5 years;
  • has the prescribed knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of an owner-builder.

To apply for a certificate of consent you must pay a fee of $96.18. This fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application. 申请这个许可证,申请者需要花96.18澳币。而且不退款,不管你申请成功与否。

3. Owner-builder duties and responsibilities

Owner-builders have a number of important duties and responsibilities. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Obtaining and complying with a building permit; 自己申请并且要遵循建筑标准。
  • Arranging for the certification of completed work and ensuring that the work is compliant with Australian standards;
  • Ensuring site and worker safety; 保证工地安全
  • Rectifying any defective building work;
  • Ensuring appropriate insurance policies are in place. 保证保险

It is important that owner-builders have a thorough understanding of these duties and responsibilities.

Before applying to the VBA for a certificate of consent to become an owner-builder, you should download the Owner-builder information and study guide. This document outlines the key information about being an owner-builder including your duties and responsibilities as an owner-builder. It sets out the steps you must take to become an owner builder, including the requirement to undertake a knowledge assessment.

4. Owner-builder eLearning assessment (递交申请前,需要在线学习下)

After reading the Owner-builder information and study guide and deciding that being an owner-builder is something that you would like to do, you must complete an eLearning assessment before you can submit your application for a certificate of consent to become an owner-builder.

Evidence of successfully completing the eLearning assessment must be submitted with your application.

5. Application

To apply for a certificate of consent to become an owner-builder you must:

  • Complete the application form
  • Attach evidence of land ownership   附上土地拥有权证明
  • Attach evidence that you have successfully completed the owner-builder eLearning assessment
  • Attach evidence that you have undertaken Construction Induction Training if required
  • Pay the application fee

6. What happens after you apply(三周左右时间处理您的申请)

It will take approximately 3 weeks to process an application for a certificate of consent if all the required information is provided. If you do not provide all the necessary information your application will take longer to process.

The VBA will contact you if further information is required.


7. Owner-builder public register (Owner builder资质需要官方登记)

The VBA maintains a public register of all certificates of consent issued from 1 September 2016. This information allows potential purchasers to find out whether a property was subject to an owner-builder project after 1 September 2016.

The public register includes the following information:

  • the date of issue of the certificate;
  • the identification number of the certificate;
  • a description of the domestic building work to which the certificate relates;
  • the address of the land on which the domestic building work to which the certificate relates will be carried out.

Disclaimer: The Victorian Building Authority’s Owner Builder Public Register is true and correct at the time of its publication, and cannot warrant the accuracy of the information after publication because the street addresses may change over time for various reasons, such as town planning changes or for any other reason.



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