看纪录片《Dark Net》学习与网络相关的地道英文表达

墨尔本悉尼霍巴特文波PTE雅思培训学校的学员都知道,PTE写作里有一道常见的题目:Which is the best invention of last 100 years:computers,antibiotics or airplanes?Explain why?


当人们开始发现网络对人类社会已经造成了深刻并持久的影响,越来越多的探讨也开始出现。2016年美国拍了一部系列纪录片,叫《Dark Net》,系列共有两季16集,每集通过对不同的网络现象的深入采访与还原,给每天都在使用网络的社会大众敲响了警钟:这些争议巨大的网络行为,其实就在我们身边。今天墨尔本悉尼霍巴特文波PTE雅思培训学校的小编就带大家看看这部堪比科幻片的纪录片。

每集开头,旁白都会说“The web transforms us. We become data, code, uploading our very selves, to a place we call the cloud, but this cloud is grounded in hardware, chaos of code. But with the right tool, you can find the signals in the noise.”


随着网络发展起来而改变的,除了人们自身,还有人与人之间的关系。第一集里就探讨了这个时代里,依靠网络建立起来的的男女关系。“Love. You can find it, and you can lose it inside your screen. These servers have seen it all, seen you blush and swoon, seen you cry, seen you naked. It’s all being captured and stored, etched in silicon, uploaded to the network, billions of gigs of digitized desire. Your love story written in data.”

句子里有一个短语“digitized desire”,非常形象地表达了人们把自身的情感,比如欲望,也变成了机器语言。

第二集中,讲述了现在流行的Biohacking。 hack我们知道是“非法入侵数据系统”的意思,hacker是“非法入侵数据系统的人”,也就是我们常说的“黑客”。那么biohacking,“生物黑客”是什么意思呢?

片中有这么一段话:Inside your computer, if you listen hard enough, there’s a hum, a heartbeat, a pulse. Like us, technology lives, dies, and evolves. We embrace each new version faster than the one before. And our devices have gone from a convenience to dependence, an extension of ourselves.

When you look into the deep web, you find a glimmer of a stranger future. The question is, What happened when we become more than human?

glimmer n. 微光

科技的发展很像人类的发展,生存、死亡、进化,但是进化速度比人类快上太多。deep web 已经隐隐约约地让我们看到了人类的未来。当人类自身的发展速度已经跟不上科技发展的速度,会发生什么事呢?



“I’m Hannes Sjoblad, I work at Epicenter, and I’m a biohacker. What we biohackers do is, we look at biology as something that can be hacked. Is there something we can do to this being to change a little way, to make it do something else? We are not scientist, we are experimenters.”


Dark Net这部片子里面拍摄的现象并不是科幻片里的剧情,这一切离我们的生活非常近。如果有兴趣的同学可以在备考PTE的空闲时间里看一看,练一下听力和口语哦!



文波陪伴 英语不难!



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