【PTE真题音频+文本】RL&SST 真题音频系列116:Tutorial

【墨尔本PTE】【 PTE真题】PTE听力和口语一直是PTE口语考试中最重要的部分,今天墨尔本文波PTE培训学校给大家总结下PTE中的RL真题:


Today I’m going to speak about tutorials. Before each tutorial we are asked to prepare in advance. We usually get a reading list which we have to complete before the tutorial.

There are 5 to 15 students in tutorial.  Students need to get prepared before attending the tutorial. There will be some materials provided. Students can discuss in groups generating new ideas or answering tutor’s questions, which will be sent by emails before the tutorial. The main difference between a lecture and tutorial was that, in a lecture there will be 200 to 300 students, but in the tutorial there will only be 10 to 15 students.


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