新概念四册第38课:Water and the traveller 课文+听力

新概念4册一直以来是英语学习者“可远观不可亵玩”的对象。究其原因,一来词汇量要求高,二来句式比较复杂,三来文化背景知识要求很高。可是这些东西我们墨尔本文波雅思PTE培训学校认为对于雅思4个7的学术以及PTE目标四个八的学生很重要,所以我们就在www.wenbo.tv 上给各位墨尔本悉尼的雅思PTE考生连载新概念英语4册的内容,希望对各位有帮助!

Lesson 38  Water and the traveller 水和旅行者 

Contamination of water supplies is usually due to poor sanitation close to water sources, sewage disposal into the sources themselves, leakage of sewage into distribution systems or contamination with industrial or farm waste. Even if a piped water supply is safe at its source, it is not always safe by the time it reaches the tap. Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect.

Travellers on short trips to areas with water supplies of uncertain quality should avoid drinking tap-water, or untreated water from any other source. It is best to hot drinks, bottled or canned drinks of well-known brand names — international standards of water treatment are usually followed at bottling plants. Carbonated drinks are acidic, and slightly safer. Make sure that all bottles are opened in your presence, and that their rims are clean and dry.

Boiling is always a good way of treating water. Some hotels supply boiled water on request and this can be used for drinking, or for brushing teeth. Portable boiling elements that can boil small quantities of water are useful when the right voltage of electricity is available. Refuse politely any cold drink from an unknown source.

Ice is only as safe as the water from which it is made, and should not be put in drinks unless it is known to be safe. Drink can be cooled by placing them on ice tather than adding ice to them.

Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant, but should not be relied upon to sterilize water. Ethanol is more effective at a concentration of 50-70 per cent; below 20 per cent, its bactericidal action is negligible. Spirits labelled 95 proof contain only about 47 per cent alcohol. Beware of methylated alcohol, which is very poisonous, and should never be added to drinking water.

If no other safe supply can be obtained, tap water that is too hot to touch can be left to cool and is generally safe to drink. Those planning a trip to remote areas, or intending to live in countries where drinking water is not readily available, should know about the various possible methods for making water safe.



短途旅行到水质不保险的地区时,应避免饮用水龙头的水或未经处理任何其他来源的水。最好仅饮用开水,名牌瓶装或罐装水 — 装瓶厂通常遵循国际水处理的标准。碳酸饮料是酸性的,就更安全一些。确保瓶子是当你面开启的,瓶口清洁干燥。






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