

The Mesozoic is often called the Age of Reptiles. The term isn’t so much about the most significant or prolific form of life on Earth – as Stephen Jay Gould once pointed out, our planet has always been in the Age of Bacteria – as much as it underscores what we think of as important when we look into the past.

As far as the span of Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous goes, the stars have always been the non-avian dinosaurs and other weirdos like the plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, and mosasaurs, but we’d be sorely remiss if we neglected the other reptilian inhabitants of this past time. Not every saurian in the Age of Reptiles was bizarre or enormous, like a new species of lizard just described by paleontologists this week.

Just like the Age of Reptiles itself, Egg Mountain became famous for its connection with dinosaurs. This was a vast nesting ground for the hadrosaur Maiasaura. But this boneyard has also yielded much smaller, more delicate fossils, including a pair of small, nearly-complete lizard skeletons. These two fossils, paleontologist David DeMar and colleagues report, represent a new species dubbed Magnuviator ovimonsensis.

In the many-branched tree of lizard evolution, Magnuviator comes out as an iguanomorph. This is the broad  group that includes the anoles, basilisks, and iguanas that skitter around the American tropics today. But back in Cretaceous time, DeMar and coauthors write, the closest relatives of Magnuviator lived in Asia. The fossil stem from which today’s iguanas and anoles sprung used to be spread in a different pattern over the planet, setting part of the foundation for what we see around us today.

Mesozoic: n./adj. 中生代(的)

underscore:  v. 强调;划线于…下/ n. 底线

Triassic: n. 三叠纪

Jurassic: n. 侏罗纪

Cretaceous: n. 白垩纪

non-avian: adj. 非鸟类的

weirdos: n. 古怪的(人/物)

plesiosaurs: n. 蛇颈龙

pterosaurs: n. 翼龙

mosasaurs: n. 沧龙

remiss: adj. 怠慢的;迟缓的

saurian: n.蜥蜴类/ adj. 蜥蜴类的

bizarre: adj. 奇异的

paleontologist: n. 古生物学者

hadrosaur: n. 鸭嘴龙

boneyard: n. 墓地;废料场; 动物尸骨堆放地

iguanomorph: n. 美洲蜥蜴变体

anoles: n. 变色龙, 变色蜥

basilisks: n. 蛇怪,蜥蜴状妖怪(传说中的)

iguanas: n. 美洲蜥蜴

skitter around: v. 掠过水面







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