


Innovation 改革 创新 发明

Undermine our relationship 破坏我们的人际关系

Be connected with everyone at all times 与每个人随时保持联系

Smart phones= iPhones and their counterparts 智能手机(注意同义词替换)

Infiltrate 渗透 浸入

To such an extent that 到了一种。。。的程度

Genuine human interaction 真正的面对面的交流

Text at the table 在就餐时发短信

Make everyone pose for a photo 让每个人为拍照摆姿势

Personal memento 个人纪念

Instagram, Facebook or Twitter 各种社交网站

Closest non-friends 最亲密的网友

Reach its climax 达到(电影情节)的高潮

Be distracted by 被。。。搞的心烦意乱

A fellow patron two seats across 隔着两个座位的家伙

Illuminate 发光

Plain rude 太不礼貌

Handy 得心应手的


Smart phones may be a wonderful innovation but they are undermining our relationships, writes Luke Malone. 智能手机也许是一项极好的发明,但是他正在破坏我们的人际关系。

Affording us the ability to be connected with everyone at all times, iPhones and their counterparts have infiltrated our lives to such an extent that they can interfere with genuine human interaction. (主题句点出智能手机的利弊:可以让我们随时与每个人取得联系,同时指出弊端,破坏了真正的面对面的交流。)Everyone has been at a restaurant or dinner party with the friend who can’t stop texting at the table, or gone out with the person who interrupts the outing to make everyone pose for a photo – not for a personal memento but to post it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and share it with 500 of their closest non-friends. (举例朋友聚会时,大家忙着玩手机。外出游玩时,忙着拍照发到网络上共享给网上的朋友。注意文章是如何描述这些现象的)

Even the cinema is no longer a safe place. You’ll be sitting there as a film is reaching its climax only to be distracted by a fellow patron two seats across who is texting away and illuminating the previously dark room with a screen brightness that could be seen from space. Now, instead of taking in the big-screen action you’re too busy sending silent hate vibes (mood or atmosphere) to this person who can’t seem to stay disconnected for two goddamn hours. Which, beyond annoying, is just plain rude. (继续举例,在电影院看电影情节达到高潮时,总有人用手机发短信,远远的看着有那么一团亮光,干扰其他人看电影。这样很烦,甚至很无礼。)

“A smart phone is definitely handy and a wonderful tool – however just because we can doesn’t mean we should,” said etiquette expert Anna Musson, of The Good Manners Company.智能手机无疑是一种得心应手的好工具,但是我们可以随时用它不代表我们应该随时使用。一位礼仪专家说。






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